Logbook #003 - The Interview

As Mary inserted tape three, the sound recorder suddenly opened up by itself and transformed to a small compact and portable television screen. It kind of looks like holding one of those 21st century smart phone thinga-majigs. Startling Mary a little bit, she held her scream as she notices a face not too familiar yet looks so similar.

---Tape Start---

"Alright, we may start " As General Ferdunov said that, General Mia ran a tape onto a camcorder.

William inhaled and exhaled softly, making himself comfortable and confident with a smile.

"The first question, What is your name, age and place of birth, securing purposes. " General Ferdunov asked William.

William nodded and answered as loud as he could, clearly and slowly. "My name is William Endecrite. I am currently 17 years old and was born in the United Kingdom."

"Good good, Second question. What are your greatest strength and your greatest weakness ." As General Ferdunov asked that, a small smile could be seen, a sly smile or perhaps wrongfully a curious one.

William thought for a few seconds, the sound of tape rolling could be heard whizzing.

" Well, for my greatest strength is I can work simultaneously with a team and also alone. You could say I'm also good at handling problems on my own. Also, I use creativity to make things easier to be done and simpler... My greatest weakness though is ..... Well, is it alright if I say I get easily short-fused?"

General Ferdunov blinked twice and nodded slowly in agreement.

"Alright, well I get short-fused and enraged easily but well I still manage to cool it off and perhaps maybe don't show any sign of it if I have the capability too. I don't really to be honest if that's both ~

General Ferdunov stopped him before he could utter a word by raising her arm.

"Third question, How do you handle the stress and pressure that are given to you usually, don't talk about now when you're in the Military but back at home, hobbies are allowed. " General Ferdunov asked.

William was surprised by the question but since he knows what he usually does at home he answered it quite easily.

"I usually relieve my stress by taking long walks in the forest or park, do sports or play musical instruments. Sometimes just a cup of coffee or tea by the balcony is enough for me. Or a nap." William answered and gave a confident nod.

General Mia smiles. "Wow, that's impressive quite a few amounts there, isn't that right Mira ... "

General Mirabella was fast asleep again.

"Oi, you trundle, wake up ... You ain't a bloody cat to be taking naps every time!" She whispered into her ear.

Though it still could be heard from the camcorder due to its sharp and good quality mic.

General Ferdunov stares at them angrily and smiles back to William.

"I guess, you're ready... Mr Endicrite, Welcome to Continuum. Now we don't need to shoot you dead."

---The Video Tape Cuts and Leaves a black screen with 'Audio Only' in Static---

General Ferdunov handed her hand as she stood up.

"You know it's a Russian joke right?" She asked him truthfully.

"Yes, yes, I do..." William got up and reached for her hand.

General Ferdunov gave a firm handshake as she faced the other two. "Uh-hmm ... Act professional. " She snarled at them both. General Mirabella yawned and shakes William's arm shakily like a windy day. General Mia gave him a cold mechanical handshake with her prosthesis arm. As the three stood by him, all three of them saluted.

He saluted with respect and nods with a serious face.

General Ferdunov nods. "Now then, let's introduce him to his comrades and his gear ... Are you sure you are prepared Mia? "

"Yes, I have prepared a bunk bed that he could share with one of the other bunk mates that allowed him and I have also prepared his gear. Uniform and everything "

William was guided out by General Mirabella, before closing the door she told him that he would be called back after he is guided around by the other guide.

"You will see friends before you come back to see us again ..." She said in very broken English, she also had a hissing tone as if similar to a cat. To be honest, even her hairstyle looks like cat ears, jeez what's up with these people.

William nods as he walks back to the waiting room where he met up with Kalen and the short figure. A sound of footsteps accompanied it.

---The Tape Whirs a new roll---