Logbook #024 - The Absolve

Cracking up an electrical switch, mechanised amounts of rusted pipes and cleanly polished tools were attached to it as they started making warbled beeping noises.

"Pardon me, but this will take a while." Mary notified the others as they watched her repairing the medical machine that was faulty for quite some time. "The machine is fixable but it may need some oiling and sterilisation."

"That sounds splendid. Do you hear that guys? Once Miss Mary fixes up the machine like the ol' engineer, we could as well get back our lovely partner, Sher." Chau-min in her ever happy mood cheered Leutenegger and William who were frowning due to the terrible aura site.

"My, my. Why isn't she such a handyman?" Chau-min gives out a friendly compliment as she guides the two out of the room and closes the slide-door. "First a hunter, then a doctor and now... an engineer? How was she trained that much?"

As similarly, behaviour Chau-min resembles Mary, the two lightened up and loosened themselves to her to give their fair share of a reply as they sat down by a scrap welded bench that was scrubbed off smoothly and painted a fresh coat of silver paint.

"Come on, tell me. I am quite wanting to know, as a Doctor and Chief of this place." Chau-min asks as she smiles gleefully and waves her hands frantically to gain the two's attention."

"She's Welter's kid. Yes, that Welter if you are wondering." William replies as he sighed and gains back his confidence. As technically the only dominative person with some resources of past knowledge in understanding the human mind from psychology studies, he brings out the calm in him and replies to her.

"She was taught at a very young age to be quite a jack of all trades by her mother, as you know when the attack happened and the many casualties came. Something just ticked into Welter's head and decided to strictly train her first daughter, Mary everything she learnt. Making her an exact copy of a spitting image."

"Oh, I see. So that means her mother taught her to fend for herself?" Chau-min asked with a curious look. "I am surprised it was Miss Welter though. But if I remember, she couldn't g-"

"Shh!" William whistled with a rushing tone as he made an intimidating and rather serious face. Pointing his finger at her, he warns not to bring it up. "She can hear us from the other side, never bring that up. She will never have to know about her true past.

Feeling a sudden strike of pain, William held his head as he stuttered a sentence. "J-sst Ne-veer...." He blurted softly. "Goddamit." He grunts as he rubs the back of his head.

"You okay?" Shanina asked as she saw him react that way out of the blues. "Chau, do you know what just happened?"

As Shanina walked nearby an old vending machine, she gives it a useful old hard kick which drops off a small bottle of what seems to be some sort of cane juice. Popping the lid, she sips it and walks back to the two and swallows its contents. "Continue."

"Uh-" Chau-min muttered in slight confinement as she tries to think up her answer again. "He may have just had the aftereffects of seizure due to the retrieval of the Guardians he recovered from their corruption state as he explained earlier in the office."

"Huh?" Shanina replies with a non-understanding look. A raised eyebrow and a slightly open mouth. "What do you mean by that? Never heard that back in Continuum."

"It seems to be only a case for a short few. Mostly happens to humans who has a few here and there contracted with. Since he has three or four now if I can remember, he will have this seizure due to the wavelength disruptions." Chau explains as she waves her hand around, confidently gesturing her following explanations.

"Interesting..." Leutenegger answers as he takes a short glance at NZ.

"I mean, I saw Chau have it too once or twice. Since she contracted with hers and her sisters too." NZ replies as he stretched his aching back as he sat on the bench. "Care to seat you two?"

"No, it's fine. I got to go soon to care for my village." Chau-min waves her hand as she made a slightly sad face and answers. "Also, you two were just here to pick up some supplies and share intel, so yeah. Glad to see you guys in the skin again."

"I mean, yeah. True. But always talked through the Radio, so it feels kind of normal." NZ chuckles as gives a grin. "Unlike Miss Fritz here who lounged in her fantasy dimension for the past, ten years? If I remember."

"It is fifteen and I did it because it was hard to handle sensitive machines in the hot and dry world our earth became," Leutenegger replies as she waves her hand, fanning some air to herself as she felt humid.

"Don't worry, Will is just teasing as usual. Well, we can not say much as it was also already theorised by our great scientists that perished that spoke of The Happening and the harsh declination of everything, will cause this problem." Chau replies as she clicks her tongue. "We will pass away one day and it is inevitable. Dying could be the wise decision of a happy ending from suffering but I as a doctor wouldn't recommend going to hurt yourself to such lengths for an early grave."

"She's got a point, typical Doctor Hudson." As NZ clears his throat, he pushes himself up. "Instead of wasting time, let's just cut to the chase, shall we?"

"Sounds good. Can't waste our time before night falls. That's when the wild animals and the Infected will start being more active and troubling." Leutenegger replies as pulls out a cigarette and starts smoking.

"I wouldn't usually recommend smoking in my clinic but, well, go ahead," Chau-min tells Shanina off as she points to a smoking sign. "Ah, right. The reason you are here. Shall we head to the office? The armoury and the other items are quite nearby if you guys remember."

"I may also need to call on my assistant. You two go ahead and wait for me at the office. I need to excuse myself." Popping her head for a few seconds into the medical room, she looks at the back of Mary and watches closely at the functioning machine once more. "That was quite fast. It looks like the factory new once again."

"Thanks! I just used some of the chemicals you store in that cabinet and used a piece of cloth I brought along that I felt of disposing of." Pointing towards a rusty red cabinet made of iron, Mary gets up and presses a few buttons as they reached towards a deeply sleeping patient named Sherrinford. "Hope this works..."

"Amazing...Wish there were more people like you. But it feels odd if you could do everything though...Then why need a village." Chau-min makes a small joke as she winks.

Mary smiles at her and shakes her head. "No no, I'm no Mary Sue. I only know how to hint food, fix small things and cook. Medicine is quite easy because of my knowledge of herbs."

With a sharing of positive emotions, Chau-min excuses herself to take a leave. "Alright, you do what you are doing to help. I need to continue my work as a chief and grab my assistant and guards, see you soon."

As Chau-min waves her goodbye, she walks away in her grimy old business wear with a doctor's coat on. As tight as it looks, it felt quite light as a feather to run on if she felt like it.

"See you soon, take care," Mary mutters in a medium valley girl tone as she continues working on the machine, pressing a few buttons here and there as she performs some diagnostic check-ups on the comatose patient. "Huh, interesting. She seems to be healthy, like a standard human. Vitals fine, breathing fine, even organs are working well. Why is she in a coma then?" Mary asked herself as she prints out a copy of the results from a nearby old fax machine.

"Could it be related to a guardian?" Mary questions herself. "I wonder if non-contracted people can enter into another personal guardian's dimension. I could ask them out for some further answers."

As Mary's crystal necklace glowed, her Guardian wisp edge out of her home portal as she forms into a more physical form once more. "No, Mary. That cannot work. You have to be contracted in some way or be related by blood for that to happen. Maybe also a clone of that exact person, if possible."

"Ah, Id'dreek, what wonderful timing," Mary replies as she is still under thought. "Hmm, that makes sense. security reasons and also to avoid hurting another person. Let's see, can guardians enter another guardian's crystal?"

Id'dreek with a warm smile as she walks closer to Sherrinford and the multiple guardian crystals that surrounded her.

"Yes, that is possible. Like visiting a neighbour's home." Pushing off the excess hair off the elderly lady's forehead, Id'dreek squats down as she spreads her feathery wings, springing outcoming scrolls.

Reading a few scriptures, the eyes of the feathery maiden glowed softly in a white tinged hue as she turns slowly towards Mary. "May I?"

"Go ahead," Mary replies as she switches a few switches. Turning on the electrical impulse feature of the mechanized medical system. Its arms of small needles that pulsed from its sides places off the temple and cheeks of the lady before it hums a small tune.

As Id'dreek nods, she smiles and turns into a spiritual form as she taps her index finger onto the forehead of Sherrinford.

Communicating with the surrounding guardian crystals, the crystals enveloped a beam, hitting multiple spots of vital points before entering, like a portal's key to entry.

"See, you in a bit, Mary." She says to her master as she enters the body of Sherrinford with a quick shot.

Mary nodding, she gains back her concentration and charts up the data that may be incoming.


Lapsing through an array of colours, Id'dreek flows walk through multiple layers of doors, one after another, a labyrinth that continued for an eternity. Was it a security feature or was this house just, special?

"I wonder how many more will this take..." Id'dreek asks herself as she pulls open yet another door. "Still another door."

Sighing, she stood still and uses her light ability and tries to give off a communication signal. Trying to locate the actual housing entrance of the place, Id'dreek makes a rundown of a bird's eye view through her "third" eye that she opened through mysterious ways.

"Alright, let's see. Did you guys found anything?" Id'dreek asks her other heads.

With a grunt and a soft whimper, the other heads replied as Id'dreek clicks her tongue and gruffs. "Oh heavenly father, please help your fellow messenger." She mutters as she swings open the door behind her, to test her luck.

Yet stuck in another room that lay yet another door, Id'dreek slowly felt like giving up. "I screwed myself over, haven't I?"

"This must be a trap..." She convinced herself as she looks around the empty room, rubbing the walls for any special mechanism. "There must be some way, like a switch or a level...maybe even a puzzle, oh goodness."

Rubbing around the concrete walls, she felt the left side of the wall gave off a smooth and cold feel. "Marble?" Id'dreek asks herself as she felt the odd change in texture.

"This must be it. If all the other three sides are concrete, then the doors were a security system. Does the neighbour of this home have the power to go through anything?". Id'dreek asks herself as she inspects the wall and the surrounding for any special way to go in.

Having no luck in finding any assistance in the guidance of breaking through the wall, she had no choice but to use brute force. Lucky for her, she owns multiple weapons, and its mostly one to a few that can get the job done.

Snapping her fingers, she summons herself a specially made megaphone used by an old sound-based guardian of a friend. Inhaling a little of her breath, she then gives a quick shout into its speaker after a switch.

With a sound wave multiplied by tenfolds, the wave was stronger than just shattering glass, now it was able to even breakthrough the hardest material known to man.

Marble was quite the middle so it still felt a little too much in using such a simple device for heavy destruction.

"Thanks for the pathway, Milord. Your idea made perfect." Thanking her mind's idea, she then hoists herself over the broken off hole through the wall, and lands through.

With a thump, she lands herself as she coughs a few times as the dust tickles her nostrils. Her other heads followed but with louder and more annoying outcomes.

"Shush," Id'dreek says as she pats the sides of her head that started shimmering incoherently. "There, there, it will be fine now."

With a exhale and a gain of unneeded breath, she walks over the rubble as she notices another winged being in a white blouse looking at her in a place of freezing shock.

"You must be Miss Sherrinford's partner, I assume." She calls out to her with a smile.

Blinking twice, the other figure makes a gesture as she slowly opens her mouth. "Yeah, that's me. Who are you?" Confused, she rubs her forehead before circling her fingers which reversed the damage into its intact past.

"I am Id'dreek, A being from the Holy Lands. I came here to help recover the soul and body detachment that has been quite a while for your master." Id'dreek replies in a warm smile of positive thoughts projected.

"Ahh, I see. Humans just call it a coma so there's no need to be that scientific, alright. I am much of a bird brain." The figure admits as her wings and tails were still concealing something or someone.

Beside her was a bed, it lay the soul of the gal named Sherrinford, though as they say the body and mind age differently, that is quite a correct term.

Though being in her forties to fifties in her current times, her soul however still look quite young yet mature. A look of a young adult, keeping her Continuum days as her favourite memories as a physical form to resemble herself truly.

"May I come to assist if you may, Miss?" Id'dreek asks the being.

"Ahh, sorry. Sure, go ahead." With a delayed speech, she then uses her unclawed paw and combs her head as she continued hiding something. "My apologies, my name is Griffonia, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you. From the looks of it, you are a stage four beast?" Id'dreek as she inspects her for a few quick seconds before bringing out her scroll and manipulating strange light as if clay.

"Yes, that is correct but I am not stage four even if I may look more mature than one should. I have been stage three for centuries, I never really felt like ascending so I always displace the remaining energy as blessings to my chosen partners." Griffonia replies with a returning smile.

"Alright then, let's see. I am starting Light Therapy, might take a while." Id'dreek mutters as she concentrates on her work. "Sending a copy of results towards my master through angelic passings."

Griffonia squints in a dumbfounded manner as she didn't understand anything Id'dreek was saying. Was it a dating barrier of the era they were born or was it a culture change thing, whatever it was, she respected the holy lander beliefs and took care of her troubles.

"Oh yeah, by the way, there is no need to hide your daughters under your wing. I mean no harm." Id'dreek replies out of the blues as she injects a needle of pure light into the heart of the chest before snapping her fingers, causing an impulse of electrical lines.

"Wait, how did you...nevermind." Griffonia sighs as she uncovers her children who were curiously popping their heads as they watched the other lady doing her job. "This child is Lady Id'dreek, she is a Holy Land being of our species. She is here to help sister Sher to wake up from her sleep."

"Holy lander?" One of her daughters asked in an excited tone. "I read that it was a rare variation of our kind as it mostly took only positive training and intake."

"Yeah, I remember sister telling me too!" The other daughter answered together.

"Now, now children. That is correct about the needing to intake positive energy during their stage one and two but depending on what they learn and I took in energy could also lead their role into their skills, like me as a caretaker and she as what seems to be a doctor." Griffonia replies as she pats her children's fluffy bird feathers of ears.

"But...but, she has a gun and a sharp-looking knife on her she must have hurt others before yes?" The smarter one asks as she spots the holstered blade and gun on Id'dreeks flexible gold waist belt.

"Oh, I didn't notice that," Griffonia replies with an anxious tone of voice as she slowly wraps her wing once more onto her children.

Finally managing to reconnect Sherrinford's body to her soul-aligned, Id'dreek gave a soft chuckle in both her successful completion as her left head made a silly joke remark in its language about Griffonia, a howl of odd barks.

"You are quite a motherly one aren't you? Your maternal instincts hit very fast and quickly." Id'dreek smiles as she points to her weapons. "

"No worries, this is just self-defence artefact creations. Meant to rid of and cure corruption. Consider it purification tools without its more humanly term. " she gives her answer to finally convince the children and the mother.

"I...I see., corruption, it is a pain sometimes and must be needed to find a cure." Sherrinford answers as she rubs her headache and numb legs with each palm. "Oh, hell let loose."

"Why, what is the matter miss Sherrinford? Are you feeling better already?" Id'dreek asks as she stands up and writes some notes on her scroll.

"Ugh, just. major headache and sleeping legs-" Sherrinford blinks a few times as she tries to recognise the voice before getting a clear view of the unknown fellow. "Wait, who are you?"

"A friend of William and also a guardian." Id'dreek answers.

"Another guardian, how many does he have?"

Not understanding what Id'dreek meant and only waking up after so long from detachment, she was lost in the track of time and only thought she was asleep for a couple of hours being cared for by Griffonia and teased by her annoying two self-chosen godsisters, literally.

"Ask yourself...its time to wake up." Id'dreek tells Sherrinford before twirling herself into a waltz of feathery and holy light, disappearing into nothing less than a second.

"What?" Sherrinford asks herself in a confused manner, slowly losing her soul form and shattering back to physical reality with the feeling of compressed lungs.

With heavy breathes and a sudden urge to eat and drink, she tries to get up but she felt the tiredness and the failure of the body to do its thing right.

Or perhaps it's been so long, she forgot about her true aged body.