Logbook #036 - The Prep

"No, no, no no!" A lass shouted as she gestured her hands towards a certain direction as she stood behind a barricade calling out to somebody in a panic.

Three of the four who were watching over as they were guarding the place turned around to notice a young girl heading to them with a sense of urgency.

"Excuse me, meine Familie need Hilfe!". Speaking a german-English combination, she did her best to ask them loudly during the commotion.

Shanina nearby the girl, knelt and looks at the girl's face to face with a small smile. "What is it? How can we help?"

Willing to know what is going on, the other three continued guarding as they rested their podded guns onto the barricade as they scoped into the destructed Ethiopian Embassy.

"My sister kidnapped by hooded ladies. She was taken to the white building over there." Pointing towards the embassy, it made some sense that the hooded people were probably the same people that Olga mentioned about.

"Brave girl, thank you for coming here and telling us. Don't worry, we will get your sister back safely." Patting the young girl, Shanina smiles before looking by the shoulder of the young girl, noticing an older lady peeking at her beside an alleyway.

"Is that lady your mother?" Shanina asks as she points towards the direction.

The young girl nodding, she turns around and waves to her mother. "Mama, these people are good. Don't be scared!" As brave as she is, she was also quite a good shouter.

The lady a little worried, she stood still and tried to calm herself down before shuffling her way warily towards the others.

"Ah, thanks. Please do help us. I thought you girls were working for those hooded people that's why we were hidden." Sighing. and breathing abnormally with a wheeze, she coughs a few times. "Don't mind me, I am just sickly."

"That's alright. You can take your daughter and get shelter in the clothing shop just beside the corner. It looks boarded up but if you knock it, people will come out and allow you in." Pointing towards the direction, Shanina slowly rose and pats the young girl before seeing them go off as quickly as they could.

"Thank you, thank you!" The lady shouted as she ran as fast she could as she held her young daughter's hand.

"Uh-hmm, You could have asked if they saw how the black hooded people looked." Bridgette ruffled as she sniffs her nose and rubs it before scoping onto her rifle once more. "Would make it easier if they were some hooligans or actually axis members."

"They're just civilians and I could see in their eyes that they couldn't figure out as they look panic-stricken. Anyway..." Shanina activates her walkie-talkie before switching its channel and talking to it. "Overcall, This is Geist, Demonica, Have you contacted for backup yet. We have potential hostages in the Embassy and we may also need breachers for the traps by the entrance. Report, over." Awaiting a reply, Shanina watches Shin-ae as she was in her aura form, floating about and garnering intel from roof to roof and window to window of the remaining buildings between them.

As static sounds from the walkie-talkie, a voice replies over the radio. "Over, this is Demonica. Captain, contact has been sent and a reply has been received, backup will soon come up short. I also gave the location of where Rampage is for the doctors and the Elders to be notified to help him."

"Good one, I have forgotten about that. Mind me but who did you call, Continuum of our base or the Deutsch Büro?" Shanina asks as she notices Shin-ae transform back to her human form and land spectacularly on the tart and thumbs up to her.

Thumbing back, Shanina listens to Demonica who was mumbling something before replying. "This Demo, it is our Continuum. Germany is a little busy trying to contain the infected in their base and securing the bunker for the research of the cure. That's all for now, over."

"Alright, just get comfortable at your place as we wait for reinforcements. We will just guard the windows and our designated landing spot for help. See you after the mission, over." Shanina explains. "Also, did you get a report on "Cat"? That's all for now, now.".

"No, not yet Captain." Demo replies before turning off her walkie-talkie. "See you later."

Shrugging to Shin-ae, Shanina yawns before rubbing her eyes. Changing back the channel of her walkie-talkie, she puts it on hold as she awaits a reply from Continuum and her general's orders.

"I just realised, we stayed awake running here and there for six days straight. When can we just catch a good night sleep?" Bridgette replies in regards to Shanina's yawning reminder. "Other than Fox, she doesn't need to sleep due to the Guardians non-existent organs."

"Hmm, true. You guys never caught a break. We were mostly spending time trying to search for Will- I meant " Rampage", and also learning about the various mutations that occurred around the town. Newsflash, the town is safe from spreading the parasite any further so it won't go as far as spreading to different countries."

"I can say the German Army, GSG9 and the UN are doing their best to help with the situation so yeah. Especially with the low population, they have no choice but to join to get help with all the help they need. Usually, the GSG9 doesn't get called up for something simple as zombies since they rely on terrorist hunting and other stuff but well, there's no choice." Shanina replies as she realised something.

"Heck, they are not even our reinforcements to breakthrough the Embassy's defences. They are relying on Continuum to do the job instead."

Bridgette aiming, she then takes a shot towards an Infected who was randomly sprinting towards a barrel of fire. Aimed at its chest, it lost balance and tumbled into it, causing it to roast itself in the process for a disgusting flambe special.

"Sorry, I just had to play with my itchy trigger finger." She so says it.

"Are you trying to alert the enemy of our presence?" Shin-ae asks as she covered her sensitive ears with her custom made mufflers. "Your gun is so loud even with a silencer on."

"Sorry, sorry," Bridgette mumbles before hearing a strange sound passing by in the incoming heavy manmade breeze. "Huh, what's that?"

Pulling herself from the scope, she looks up together with the others as they noticed a helicopter passing by them before turning around and landing beside them at a safe distance.

With a megaphone, the pilot

calls out to them with her given walkie-talkie. "Good day Team-X, this is Crimson, on LZ. Reinforcements are here, We will take rest here as we fill up fuel."

As the rotors of the helicopter slowly slow, two Continuum clad soldiers hopped out from their seats before sprinting to them with their gear. An excited voice calls out to them as they reached the others.

Two familiar faces gathered with their team, as they smiled towards Shanina. "Why, hello there Captain. Been a while." The voice calls out as Shanina nods and hands her hand for a shake.

"Been a long while indeed, Private. You too Lieutenant, glad to see your wounds recovered, did you know Rampage wept for you think you passed? Or should I say Griffon and Cat?" She kindly replied as her hand was shaking with a firm grip before stopping. "Alright, so did you get any reply from General about our next plan?"

The silhouette shaking her head, the light from the helicopter then flickers a few times to reveal the face. "Yes, Captain. General Ferdunov gave us the orders. Sherrinford, hand me the blueprint please."

Sherrinford shown beside the revealed lass puts down her bag before unzipping and pulling out a rolled-up piece of glossy blue paper before opening it and placing it on the floor.

Using random pebbles on the ground, she used it as a weight to keep it flatly down as Shanina inspects it as she bent down. "Huh, interesting. The Embassy's map. Seems pretty small from the outside but on the inside that's a pain to examine the whole place."

Noticing the map has the insides of the building sketched and mathematically calculated, there were approximately thirty-six rooms for meetings and specific reasons and at least three floors to look about.

One of the rooms would at least contain the enemies belongings while there will be another for hostages. Just for safety's sake, the assumption of Infected would be included in their briefing plan.

"Their team seems to be pretty big, even though we were reported it was a " small" group. Upon close inspection, they are bigger in number. Approximately fifteen of them to the exact. Two of them are guards of the place and seem to be randomly coming in and out at odd times and the others stay inside. "

"On certain occasions, the two guards and three others will come out for a " scavenge" too, don't forget that but it's always around at the times of early five to late six p.m." Shin-ae adds on as she uses her pink aura to mark up the map for them.

"What's the time now?" Sherrinford asks as she pats Chau-min.

Looking at her small watch, Chau-min counts the hands of the clocks quickly before looking back up. "It's a quarter to five now. They may come out soon. How do you want to approach this, Captain?"

"Hmm, I suppose we could hide and then ambush the five as quietly as possible and then we could disguise as them and break inside," Shanina replies as she thinks up an odd plan.

"Sounds interesting, but what if they speak another language, let's say Axis. How would we be able to communicate?" Bridgette asks as she then holsters her tripod and walks to them, looking down at the map.

"That's where we have our secret weapon." Chau-min nudges at Shin-ae with her elbow. "This Guardian here can translate languages from any sorts of age or era and can alter the person's voice to speak as of that language too."

"Why yes, Indeed! I can do that." Shin-ae replies with a surprised yet gleeful grin.

"But doesn't she need to be contracted with someone to do that?" Sherrinford asks as she scratches her itchy nape, wondering what's the thing that just bit her.

"Nope, not at all." With a childish tongue poke, she then spoke in a childish tone about how her ability can work on anyone due to her concentrated aura energy even if it was more than five. The only things that need to be contracted to be used are the signature weapon she holds and her other modifications.

"The only thing needed for my contract is for my weapons and my enhancements. My ability to change language and linguistics, in general, is available to all as long as their near my vicinity of effect." Says the intellectual fox-girl as she holds on to her heavy weapons.

"Woah, that's an interesting ability you have there. Well then, since not all of us speak German or Axis, would it be kind to share your such power?" Chau-min asks as she kneads her aching shoulder which was dormant far too long in cold liquid.

"Hai!" Shin-ae shouts as she glows in her pink aura. With a bow and a twirl, the aura spreads to a lingering puff of smoke before enveloping the others in it.

"Will that do now?" Sherrinford asks in her native tongue as it was translated to the others at the same time.

Shanina nodding with an affirmative look smiles towards Shin-ae and Sherrinford. "Yep, that works now. Yes, I can see your mouth word differently from what is translated but it is barely noticeable. I don't even think the others will notice if we succeed."

"Alright, let's start." Bridgette looks at her watch realising it's close to the intended time. Reaching down and snatching the map, she then gestures the others to follow her quickly to a scouted alleyway as she sprinted there.

Following her lead, they stood behind and knelt as they prepared their gear.

Settling on their gas mask and adjusting the helmets Chau-min tossed to them from her backpack, they then strap themselves up neatly before peeking from the side of the wall.

"Alright, I see the door opening." Whispered Bridgette as she looks through her pair of binoculars as she sees three hooded figures walking out slowly from the embassy.

The middle hooded figure turning left and right, then shouts in a very disembodied voice which consisted of yelps and growls which caught the two guard's attention. Heading to the supposed leader, they then pushed open the gates before heading forward, towards the team's standing position.

"Alright, on my mark." Whispered Bridgette once more as she gestures her fingers.

Indicating three with pointing out the following, Shin-ae then suddenly teleports herself in front of the five with a smile before laying silenced fire with her duplex handguns. Using her odd style of twists and turns, the bullets then non-lethally stuns the figures, causing them to faint one by one.

Not having the time to counterattack, the figures dropped to the floor before being dragged by the other four and removing their clothes.

Unhooding one of the figures, they noticed young-looking teenagers with skin that was slowly rotting and bland blue. An indication that they were axis trooper clones.

"Goodness sakes, you were right. They were Axis. I wonder how they managed to get hold of the Embassy." Sherrinford said as she tries to put on the shawl and hood that came with her captured hostage.

Chau-min shrugging, Shanina then answers for her comrade. "They probably broke in and captured it during the commotions of the Infected. Makes sense since one week has passed and almost all the survivors have either evacuated, hid or unluckily died from it."

"I suppose that can make some sense." Sherrinford implies as she inspects her clothing. "It smells terrible, like really old."

"It's axis clothing, they never change nor took care of themselves due to their rotting state and low intellect," Shin-ae replies with a teasing tone. "Though low intellect is an understatement. Some are capably strong to overpower a few people which makes up for the Captain role."

"We fought a few during the UK's MBI Infiltration. They really can hold themselves for long periods and are pretty strategic. I think it's mostly the cloned civis that ends up being meat shields for these few corrupted soldiers." Chau-min replies as she buttons up her rag of a dress and holding herself. "Alright, any place where we can pretend to hold onto food, just for the sake of proofing?"

"Hmm, we had a clothes shop downtown which was scouted out with food that we gave to them," Bridgette answers as she looks at her watch and presses a button. "But, I wonder if they will attack us with the clothing we're wearing so it's better if we just sneak out the food we took along."

"Awww..." Shin-ae sulks as she looks at her snacks. "I suppose these have to be used out too."

"Exactly....now it's time to do it, girls. For Continuum and for Rampage." As Chau-min cheered the team up with a high five, they raised their fists before reloading their rifles.

The axis soldiers tightened up neatly and muffled with rags, they then leave them alone in the dark alleyway as they soon cover themselves fully in their new attire as they slowly walked towards the building, only to be stopped by Crimson, the pilot of theirs.

"Hey! Don't forget about the Infected idiots! Come over here, Let me douse you in fresh blood just to disguise your smell. " As she shouted at them, she hops out of her seat and pulls out her staff before pointing at them. "Ready?"

"Shit...." Shanina mumbles as her perfume is then sprayed off with a wave of blood, leaking in iron and other senses. "Disgusting, ehugh...." As she held the urge to scream, she then excuses herself as she picks up the baggage of food and heads towards the building.

Nearing the building, they then knocked on the door slowly as it swung open with a strong smell of ammonia reaching lingering into the nose.

"You're back, that was fast..." An axis soldier greeted them as she looks outside which looked as fine and clear as it is in this fiery armageddon. Speaking in her native language, it was translated for them as she sniffs their shoulders before letting them in. "You got the goods?"

"Yeah..." Shanina grunts as she is still disgusted by the smell. Fitting with her tone, she sounded like an axis when her accent was translated for the soldiers.

"Come on in then, we can't hold on forever...." It ordered as it helps carries the baggage before the others entered the building.