Logbook #042 - The Prologue

Following his typical routine, Recruit William "Rampage" Endicrite stayed on for his next orders as he waited for his General and Captain to arrive. Entertaining the civilian-turned-asset medic Dr. Augustina who he was slightly having a crush on, he wooed her with as many tricks up his sleeves as he blew admiration and compliments into her ear.

As he watch her cheek reddened into a blushing cherry red, she pats his back with a curled fist lightly as she reminds him of his current job that is still ongoing.

"Silly Will, come on. We are in front of a dangerous area with our only few teammates. Keep an eye out, will you?" She laughed softly as she winks at him before turning around, processing some paperwork that Bridgette Collins, the Demolitonist expert of Team Global Corp shoved onto her before heading towards Major Damonica who was still sitting by her radio station, turning knobs and switches as she contacts the German Military, nearby Continuum branches and HQ for backup and also continuous reports of their current situation.

As the sky grows dimmer, the clouds reflected an orange hue that reminded William of his days cloud watching with his sister when he was younger. Oh, how the days had gone, he thought. He wished he could see her again, it had been only half a year since he saw her, yet he felt like he hadn't seen her for ages.

Worried about his sister's and mother's safety back in England, he hope the virus wouldn't spread so far to somehow end up in the other neighbouring countries. Heck, England may be an island, but, maybe just maybe, if something unfortunate happens, it could might as well somehow travel. Just like the many old pandemics that happened which wasn't as worse as The Happening.

Holding his rifle that was given by his captain before she separated from the team a few minutes ago, he shakes his head with a discontinued short sigh before walking towards the sandbags that acted as protection from the nearby hot-zone of the Bio-Mother's nest.

Pulling his sleeves, he looked at the time on his watch before revealing his shiny crystals that refracted a colourful array of pink and purple. Licking his lips, he then mouthed some whispers. In his head, inside voices replied as thoughts swirled into a more physical view, tossing and turning before revealing his guardians who replied back with a happy content.

"What is it, Sho?" The girl in purple robes and a seemingly cheeky face replied as he calls him in his other registered name as a pet-call.

"Nothing much Sae-yong, I was just checking on you two silly dolts. Also, a little much of an apology of the ruckus I caused the past few weeks, you know, with this zombie apocalypse and stuff..." William replied in his head as he leaned onto the sandbags and watch the others putting up their preparations for later's hopeful ambush.

"Ahahaha, no worries really. It wasn't your fault, really. Technically it was my Aunt's fault, You know...Beo. The one everyone mistakenly thought was the Bio-Mother since like The Happening happened but was only an asset to The Corruption plan." Sae-yong chucked in a teasing manner as she wipes her mouth with the overextension of her Happi that slung by her casual kimono robes.

"But seriously though, how did we and like the whole of UN mistook Beo for The Corruption. Was it like a false alarm or was it because it was an assumption due to her unknown disappearance from the Elder's Table?" William replied as he sees a silhouette from afar walking towards their sentry nest.

With silvery white hair and a very familiar eyepatch, he recognises his General and well his mother figure arriving with a troop of an army with suits of camouflage similar to Continuum's but rather more stereotypical of German Para-trooping shades. Perhaps, one of the branching families.

"Perhaps the latter..." Sae-yong replied as she unclad her robes in-front of her monitor, turning stark nude before picking up her military uniform given down by her mother, The Main Elder of the Table, Shinnosuke, Shimaya. Putting on her outfit, William looked away for a bit as he watches a crowd gather.

(Seriously, why does the daughters have Korean like names but their mother, Japanese? Maybe it is just their origins. After all, Guardians are known to adopt lone children and raise them up as their own or perhaps it is just a mating partner Shimaya encountered during the wars back in the old Period between Japan's and Korea's Imperial Era.)

William thought in his head, for real without expressing the words through Sae-yong's monitor as speech.

"Achtung!" A woman shouted loudly nearby as she lines up her troops of soldiers in a Southern German Accent similar to Bavarian, a dialect of the Southies. With a sound of rustles and a loud crush of footsteps onto wet grass, William watches as the woman gave an announcement to her soldiers. He guessed that it was one of the German Continuum's branching captain that he may or may not recognise from the meeting room incident due to her masked up face.

As she spoke of rules and regulations and the many typical speeches before trooping out soldiers, there was no time to even speak a proper long sentence before they dumbly gave out their locations to the ever sensitive Infected that were inside the weirdly black and greenly webbed building of Munich's Science Institute.

Beo's weapon glowing by his left breast pocket, Beo interfered Sae-yong's Monitor (technically barging into her room while Sae-Yong changed) and shouts through the mic that danger was approaching. "Sir! Infected incoming. Warn them!"

"I think they already know..." William sighs out as he pulls out his rifle and cocks the reload before leaning sideways from the nest. "Bridgette, start the engine!" He shouts as he aims down his muddy reticle before taking a few bursts of his gun towards some infected that stumbled themselves towards the soldiers.

"Yeah, lets do this!" Bridgette motivates the team before pulling a cord from a portable gas engine of a generator to activate a machine that shot out temporary crystals that created a forcefield of sorts. General noticing the sudden attention to detail, she then pulls out her walkie-talkie and orders the pilots to hurry up as her small team and the German Reinforcements were taking fire of the situation.

"Crimson, do you hear me! We are engaging the enemy, we are engaging the enemy, cut the landing, you guys have to line down the others and provide cover fire." General shouted amidst the gunfire as she hides behind a sandbag beside William as she pulls out her handgun with her free hand.

"On it!" A static voice replied as the gunfire grew louder and louder.

"Can I use my guardians, General!?" William asked loudly as he guns down a few that were on the roof of the institute.

"Just use it! Stop asking permissions, you are no more a recruit to me!" She grabs his shoulder and shouts into his ear before sprinting towards Damonica who was reloading her grenade launcher as Dr. Augustina ducked behind the radio station as she wore a pair of mufflers to block out the sound. She was a civilian after all, so there was no reason she would be some sort of expert in firearms to help out the team. An asset was what she was to just give information of how to DBNO(Down But Not Out) the Bio-mother when the time was needed.

"Major! You know when your team is coming?!" General Shriway shouted in question as she looks left and right, making sure nothing was ambushing them from the other sides.

"Yes, they will be here on their way, ETA 5 minutes!" Damonica replies as she then aims her grenade launcher in a certain axis before triggering the launch.

"Vorsicht, warte mal!" The German General shouted as she pushes back one of her soldiers as the grenade lands onto the door of the institute which was sheltering the other Infected who were banging up the door. Letting them free, it was the easiest way to clear the meat-shields to be able to then enter for the ambush. But in the general's mind, that was a little too risky.

"What the fuck?!" William shouted as he pulls out his psionic blade out of an infected and was shock-waved by the grenade's landing. Pulling himself up, he turns to Damonica and shakes his head in disbelieve.

"Are you nuts! You could have killed me." Helped out by Bridgette, she then pushes his gun onto his chest, before pointing a red laser onto the door hole, which the crystal sentry then shot out four crystals which blocked the hole and summons out a blue aura wall that electrocutes the infected that tries to exit out of it. "Relax, we're professionals, remember. Now be our front-line, good boy." With a pat on his head and a slight push, William stumbled forward as he then takes aim quickly again and shoots off the oncoming wave.

Pulling out Beo's Knife after finishing off his ammunition, it glowed as he held it on his hand before entrusting the safety of his guardians onto him as he then charged into the fray. Making use of the enhancements that the blade gives off into his veins, he stabs a corpse of an infected before it envelopes onto his blade on hand and turns to a meaty and gruesome sword which stroked out a heavy crushing blow of meaty extruding.

"Hope you pieces of shit die!" He shouts angrily as he slices off three zeeks with one swing before the meaty extruding enveloped onto their corpses and exploded on impact when the other infected stepped onto their remains, similar to landmines. It might be unrealistic, but its behaviour, reacted quite similar to white blood cells when they fight against the bacteria or other unknown foreign objects when they try to infect the host's body. As guardians abilities tend to be similar to nature without breaking the laws of physics and biology to both the world and their partners, it would make sense their ability would technically be tame and just well, more visually out-stands of natures wrath can offer.

"Are you kidding me?! Beo, you never told me you had THAT ability." Surprised by the mayhem he caused in those few seconds, he grew more berserk before becoming what his tile suggest, a Rampage. Excited, he then summons out Sae-yong's psionic sword once more, as he then akimbo the two blades to work in unison. Trying to keep as much balance to his posture and body composure, he made use of the enhancements as the others pushed alongside him to make use of their weapons as well.

"You seem to be enjoying this, huh?!" A loudspeaker screamed as William continued to slash his way through the horde of zombies that he could fight off, left, right, top and under. Wait, under? Nah, just kidding. "Well, continue what you do best..."

Before continuing the sentence, the loudspeaker was pulled away from the original voice's hand before the other person voiced back. "Ayo, stop it, we're here already. Are you trying to kill yourself?!" A voice similar to his teammate, Chau-min shouts out as he hears a sound of a sniper rifle bang out from afar following that Damonica's mates are also here.

Gaining back his normality, he then stabs one last infected before running back to the sentry nest. Getting his breath back, he smiles towards his General as she shrugs towards him with a slight smile of relief. "I told you, you may use your guardian. But not to go in one-for-all, remember the last time you did that?" She said, as she tosses him a magazine of ammunition for his rifle to replace with.

Reloading his rifle, William smiles as his captain and teammates arrived just on time for support. "Echelon Zero, reporting..." Captain Shanina replies through their walkie-talkie as they gun down the infected that were somehow still trying to push through. With only minimal casualties, Chau-min and Sherrinford aided those with the help of their own guardian partners as Crimson the pilot and Major Rose provided cover fire from afar.

"Phew, just on time..." Major Agua sighs out as she kneels and hands her hand to William out of no where, "Care for support, recruit?" Accepting her hand, she pulls him up as she then pulls out a blueprint of the institute's interior and spreads it onto the radio station's table. "Alright, General, we can start, Operation Dead God."

"Alright, Dr. Augustina, William, Bridgette and Shanina, will be Team One. Team Two consists of Sherrinford, Damonica, The Korean medic, shit, what's her name and that G.C. Katherine." General Shriway calls out as she point towards the map. Team One would go in from the back and try to put up assault from the back entrance. You guys basically, distract them since you are pretty much are our High-fire. Team two will be the support. They will put up our devices as they try to cover up points for you guys to push in deeper."

"How about Team Three and Four, ma'am?" Major Agua asked as points the higher levels of the building and also in case there are survivors remaining.

"Team Three would be you, Major Agua, me, Major Rose and the pilot that can shoot out flames with her crystal...the newbie in the program." General replied as she then stays quiet before muttering out Team Four. "The Germans will protect outside so Team Four would probably be the remaining pilots, once they manage to secure an extraction point after cover fire. They need to save their gas for later, Report to them, Major!"

"Alright ma'am..." Agua replies as she then pulls out her walkie-talkie and gives out the orders. As everyone listened closely one-by-one the orders, they slowly then met up with each other to the proceed with the plan as they slowly moved away from the fight and back to Meeting Point Alpha.

"We need one more, to protect Dr. Augustina, she doesn't know how to shoot." Bridgette replies as she smokes a cigarette.

"Shit, I forgotten about that..." General replies. "William, use your Guardian, the new one you got… she can protect her, yes?"

"Uh, yes! Yes ma'am… My guardians are fit for physical summoning." William replied before pulling out Beo's blade and then activating the glow. Upon the glow reaching its maximum, it then physicalize into a human form as she was donned in an old military uniform which had a few burn marks on them, remnants of her deserted past. "Elder Beo, here...I heard what your General said."

"Alright, so that's it… remember if you can't fight due to exhaustion or injury, or whatever. You can rely on your guardians… Don't be stupid. They are as experienced in fighting than you think they are. Summoning them isn't that hard and heck, they watch after you almost twenty-four seven." General replied to the others as she looks at them with a serious face. "Ah also, try not to get killed. Continuum onwards!"

With a cheer of excitement raising out, the members raised out to complete a fight they never once did before, a final fight, probably. But it is just one of the many others they had to endure. First The Happening, then The Axis, and now The Infected. Is that all, there is to come? Who knows, Fight is all what they have left in them. A Continuum, a husk of their former selves. Weak or strong, rich or poor, it doesn't matter any-more. They are now mere puppets for an entertainment for the gods. Gods gambling on weaker gods. And weaker gods supporting human civilisation, their own pets. Dancing on their palms as the ones up there laugh and rage at every win and mistake they make.

Lets all see, what happens, in this play. Just for redemption, oh, timely one. In this war of the two kinds, between Creator and Creation.