the zahirs

for some unknown reason a lady in her 60's accompanied by a man of equal age approached amy while simon was in theater.

"assalamu alaycom how are you?you are Simon's wife?"

she replied tiredly in the affirmative.

the woman sat next to her and blurted

"I'm his mum" she rubbed Amy's bump which amy jumped away and stood angrily

"have you come to sell his children too?stay away you disgust me....what mother were you?"

his assumed by amy father spoke

"listen you just want his money isn't that he is dyi-"

she scrunched her face as her hand connected with his face hard.

she spat venomously "DONT YOU DARE SAY HE IS DYING.....I love him unlike you...I have money....and if that's what you came for I will write you a check to fuck off back to Afghanistan"

Mr zahir stared at her dumbfounded...women in his country never hit a man and speaking back to your father in law unheard of.

"if this was Afghanistan you'd be lashed"

she retorted "I know plenty of people from there who are actually I dont care about your backwards ways....islam is enough for me....child seller"

he approached her with his tall build much like his son and whispered close to her ear "I'd have many men rape you after me"

just on cue her brother's arrived

"is he bothering you amy?" asked salim.

she moved away unsteadily to saleh.

he grabbed her into a hug.

"they are Simon's parents and they want money"

salim stood level with Mr zahir he pulled out his phone and asked "what is your sort code and account? I will transfer you 25'000 and you can leave understood?you leave and never come make me sick"

Mr zahir and his wife gave the details and left with Simon's mother giving a glance at amy saying in her ear as Mr zahir disappeared

"I never wanted him gone....his father did it please tell my son I love him"

she walked swiftly to catch up with her husband as not to create drama

amy turned to saleh and salim with tears

"I dont think his mum had a choice "

they both stayed for a while filling her in on how the kids were she hadn't seen them in 4 weeks.