Answers To The Questions

*Sigh* looking at the eager Young Master sitting in the middle of the classroom with his hands on the front of his seat as he rocks the chair with curiosity plastered on his face but his hands gripped the seat with rage.

"In order to answer your questions.

Yes it does,

^Because of your Grandfather's very overpowered Allies are visiting,

^Because nothing is broken and you're being monitored because of this Overview,

^No One can 'Control' your Grandfather, so he will show up when he wishes to,

^You will never find out,

^I also teach Combat and Stealth and Medical,

^When you 'Pass' in the Top 8 of The Test,

^!_! W...where did you hear that from? ... It is unconfirmed,




^Unsure, it depends on what she is already capable of, probably more powerful than you since she survived this long."


The chair comes down to the ground as he gets up with ease and comes forwarded in front of me.

With his head down to where even with night vision I cannot see his face


Lifting his face to meet my eyes he has a relaxed smile plastered to his face with his eyes closed he replies,

"I know, but that was on my mind when you asked for questions you did not specify... Will I get a secondary prize of my choosing if I can get in the top 3?"

He asked while suppressing the bloodlust that flowed through his veins when he heard he couldn't go save her.

"If... you, Get in the top 3, yes I'll give you a second prize. Though... I am curious..."

The teacher replied as a hint of confusion passed through her eyes,

"Do you not… know what You, Males, 'ARE' Compared to Us Females?" She asked with a small wave of her hand.

"?_?" He lost his composers as he was genuinely confused by her remark that his mind went blank for 2.7 seconds before he regained his composer as the question reverberated in his head as he tried to remember if he was taught about that or not.

He couldn't remember and thought it might be a subject on which he needs to know, and his teacher's reaction to his stumble just verified that he needed to know.

"Never the thought." She said dismissively.l

Placing her hand on her forehead as she push back some lose hair while tipping her head back towards the ceiling,

"You will learn in time what it means to have a 'sister' or 'fiancée' and what 'dangers' you will have as a Sworn Master... but for now that is all the time we have."

He bows at the waist with his dominant hand in a fist over his heart and walks out of the room to his first class of the day. 

Turning around I sit in my rolly chair at my desk as I exhale, my demeanor changes to my more sinister natural demeanor.

"Show yourself, I know you are there."

The 'mass of darkness' in the room Shifted to closes the door as it begins to be more concentrated in a shimmer of distorting shades of black that radiated faint traces of white as a silhouette of a broad shoulders outline of a muscular figure who stands at top seven feet high with six arms, three of which had the same glowing design on the same side of the torso, came into focus.

An Eerie voice of the 'deep abyss' shook me to my core as it spoke a single phrase.

"We... F...nd... Her... but... is.... wrong..."

Unparalleled 'dread' soon filled me to my core, as its monstrosity of an aura was flickering with anger filled the room making me drop to my knees in cold sweat.

It noticed me on the floor and withdrew its pressure as it sighed, allowing me to breathe again.

" Boss... Two Sev...ty...ix..... Years... ...arch... .or... Bio... Si...n… ."

With that it faded away. As soon as it flickered out of existence the lights flickered to life, lighting up the room. 

Wasting no time I bent my knees and 'blinked' ending up outside by the top of the 'mountain' looking down through the volcanic smoke and heat waves it gave off...

I found the indentations and sat with my feet over the edge.

I dropped down the slide that was carved into the side of the deepest most ancient active volcano that has never once fully erupted.

Passing through a very tiny distortion I feel the smoldering heat as I am submerged into the distortion that exists at the very surface of the liquid lava, as it moves and ripples as if the world itself was breathing.

Landing HARD onto solidified 'pure obsidian' I scrambled like a fire was under me to where the Counselors were usually located.

"... Do I smell burnt flesh?.? Oh well this is more important than just a scratch."