Never Seen One Before

Watching the cameras as the students filed out of the assembly hall, noticing the only female in the room still sleeping.

"Is that one of them?" A curious deep gruff male voice asked no one.

"Yes," An electronic monotone voice replies, "She was done first and there are similarities between 'hers' and four others. There were six others who had similar subconscious stories, but extremely different."

Looking back at the cameras, I noticed that four male students were off to the side chatting and slowly but surely six others joined in the conversation.

They seem to be waiting for someone...

Pressing my com,

"Wake her up."

"Gladly! I now have a reason to hit a female! Why did you even allow her entry?" The exam teacher asked in an irritated tone as he made his way towards the sleeping girl.

"Classified. Do as you're told." The Director replied sternly.


Watching him approach the sleeping female, as he raised the Ruler high, he had brought it down with enough force to break bone....

Only for her to just rub her arms as if she was only hit lightly. Just to scratch at the spot and to wake up calmly...


His astounded face was priceless, as he changed it to being stern when she focused her eyes on him. Grabbing her paper she dashes out of the room not even paying attention as she navigates the hallways at an astounding speed for a female.

I wonder....




The Female had put the distraction away and saw that the gate shield; was starting to close. The female puts a tad bit more pressure as she gains speed and runs much faster than then the fastest male on campus record.

The female is almost there and the gate is almost fully closed!

'Just four more seconds and she'll be mine for the taking ... ?-?'

Something extremely odd had happened that made the cameras flicker and not register as she had disappeared but not before he saw a brief small event.

She has closed her eyes, takes a few breaths, and turns into an electric streak of lightning and gets through the small gap in the gate before it seals itself up.

Switching views to the last shuttle I find her on the floor gasping for breath as she herself seems confused.

Did she not know what she just did?

"Who all is on that shuttle?"

"Now?" A pause as it scans the shuttle, "Eleven people... Do you wish to invite them to the unscheduled testing grounds?" The mechanical voice asked with no emotion as if it was expecting his answer already.

Pausing to look at the list to go through, who all is in there, only to find not one of the sons of anyone important.


"Overriding protocol... destination set... a new terraformed planet targeted. Three light-years away. Target arrival is in eighty six hours and forty eight minutes."

Looking back I see that four of the males have surrounded the female as they introduce themselves to the other six. They seem to be accepting the female seeing as she's not part of their personal group.

'Hehehe... This will be... an Interesting Experiment!'


Grabbing a hold off his hand and getting pulled up onto my feet I look around the shuttle. I quickly noticed that my adopted team was accounted for plus six new faces...

Just staring...

To me...

'How Wude !! It's like they've never seen a female before!' (Your mamas should be ashamed of you by those looks!)

"Hel..." A hand pops up in front of me stopping me. 

Glaring at the owner I noticed his demeanor had changed.

Nodding I turn my head and notice the others coming between me and them like water.

"This is the female of our squad that we were talking about." For being known as a Bodach in the team I wonder what stories he told about me.

The other five began to show accepting expressions as they nodded and turned back around in their seats and latched the harnesses. 

Noticing one of them is in front of the dashboard messing with wires I become confused.

Noticing the look on my face, the one behind and to my left, chuckles.

"He said he had a bad feeling and with some shuttles never making it to their correct destination he's putting in some fail-safes after altering the cameras so it seems he's in his seat."

Bodach changed his voice to his Commander 'At-Ease but Obey' Tone, "Don't Stare Like THAT! Take your seats and we'll fill you in."

Looking at the placements I notice the setup of the arrangements of this particular shuttle.. Two columns. With two rows of four. Equipped with a third row with one chair in each column.

My face goes red as the others take their seats at the entrance of the last row of four and the last two chairs. 

One person in particular holds his hand out to me to accept.

(I know this is just a safety measure but I know deep down they all want the same thing.)

Placing my hand on his I let him pull me onto his lap as he pulls me against his broad solid chest and expertly fastens the harness to where it's comfortable for me.

"Alright Done! Let's see them try and get rid of us now!" A younger male voice said with pride as he made his way to a chair in the first row.

Getting a good look at the back of the others I notice a height difference.


A silent chuckle rumbles and vibrates against my back as he replies in a hushed tone with a tint of desire being forced back,

"It's as you suspect. They are our juniors by two grades. They have yet been able to see their mothers in the Seven Year Curriculum. So that makes you the First Female they have ever come across so far."

With him so close... His breathing rhythm sounds more like he's purring... and his heart beat is also comfortable against my back that slowly but surely lulls me into a bliss of long needed sleep but I try not to because I need to be aware of my surroundings.

A hand slithers under my bangs gently until his palm is against my temple as he gently guides my head to rest against his shoulder in the dimly lit shuttle as the power to the lights get redirected to the engines.

(I swear his body was made perfectly for me) being comfortable and with the rhythm of his breathing and the pulse of his heart as I slowly slip past Controlled Sub-Consciousness and fall into a Deep Sleep as my stamina completely runs out.

'The Audacity! 


Meh it's not so bad to relax... maybe...'

Something moved from Deep Within my mind and soul that made me shiver from anticipation.

Turning around in my mind to the large creeping pressure only to find Nothing!

It Disappeared!

'I swear someone just Mind Linked or made a Mindspace with me just now..... Why?'

Slithering deep black shadows, unbeknownst to her, moved expertly on the ground under her line of sight as she was searching for and trying to find the linked doorway that was  just made....

 But there was nothing there to be sensed or seen!!

Slowly the feeling of sinking seeped into the rest of my body from my feet and quickly made its way to the crown of my head as I was submerged into Darkness and lost consciousness inside her exhausted Sub-conscious.