
The situation was not looking good!

From an Outsider perspective a super ancient red star, just went SuperNova, with a small transport vessel at its Horizon. Blinding every system in the Galactic Quadrant for a thousand-year rotation as the core condensed and expanded and collapsed. The mist-like substance that blanketed this particular Quadrant was pulled into the Star, like a vortex of a whirlpool before it reaches the sea floor as an anchor before going chaotic.

Inside the ship everything is in critical condition but is happening on a slower scale then the rest of the Galaxy.

The walls bending and stretching in odd ways like melted metal ripples on a surface of a lake due to the heat waves bombarding from the outside vs the life support and coolant system set on maintaining a specific life supporting temperature.

The male soldiers in training could not move from their harnesses as they are assaulted by super levels of radiation and gravitational pull from all directions, plus an unknown factor of the energy from a Super Ancient Red Star that has never shown any signs of wavering or collapsing until now.

It just Collapsed within mere minutes of a small transport vessel stabilizing its orbit for refueling its Solar Power supply to continue its journey which should not have any effect on the Core of any Star in existence.

The simple process of a Supernova is it implodes on collapse of its core, then explodes the energy which is the Nova part. Once all its energy is gone it becomes a black hole in the fabric of the universe that has a Horizon that distorts time and space as it gets closer to the main hole in the middle that is up for debate if it is a wormhole forward, backwards, or into oblivion. Which is also up for debate, what is oblivion if every matter and energy strive to survive?

Waking up I am assaulted by strong waves of Gravity and distortion of particles as the systems fight to stay active. The ship is a metal that grows stronger with heat the hotter the better. The generator lives off the solar power given off by Stars or Suns if it has a continuous supply it will still stay on. Which is why the haul has not broken yet and why the life support has not malfunctioned.

The walls looked like a silver lake as if it was breathing as it moved like ripples against the forces of what was happening outside. The others were strapped to their seats and were gritting through the pain that I was now aware of.... but something seemed to flow in energy form all-around us as if searching and protecting or looking for something specific. The Bloody Orange Red color mist drifted and hovered around the cabinet like a stilled River...until I breathed.

As soon as I breathed the Mist started to move. My heart beat went frantic as it closed in on me. The Ion Particles around me started to synchronize faster as the Mist brushed against my legs. Liquid Fire seeped into my body as it made its way up through my legs slowly but surely the pain followed and the Synchronizing became stronger as no sound would escape from my mouth and I began to panic.

None would survive this pain for long. Just how long was I asleep. When did this start? The others... they're dead. They should be dead because the Mist was still. There's no one left to save.

*Haggard breathing*

'!!! ???'

As I Stirred and flinched from the pain, I felt something faint on my back.

Faintly.. something was slowly rising and falling against my back.

There's Hope!

Excitement and relief washed over me as I closed my eyes, and in that small moment everything paused.

The buzzing Particles became solid and instantly mixed with the Mist, the Liquid Walls stopped its waves and became still. Slowly opening my eyes, they became unfocused as if they were seeing something between what was normally seen. A sphere shrouded my body and expanded slowly engulfing the others in the cabin, though something odd occurred as the sphere passed through them.

As similar to the Horizon distortion of a Black hole the same happened to the others as the sphere slowly engulfed them as soon as it touched their bodies they all woke up and started to struggle with the harnesses.

Their bodies were slowly pulled, their heads became slightly stretched, as soon as it touched their shoulders and arms, they all jerked, creating an after image of the arms again as they reached for their harnesses. An Invisible Pulse passed through them and they jerked against their seats again and tried a second time to grab their harness leaving another after image finally grabbing the harness the Sphere quickened it's pace as they flexed their muscles and struggle with all their might which caused a reaction of the Bloody Orange Mist encased Ion Particles to rippled throughout their entire bodies as their after images became solid and started to move as they tried to stand and grab on to be able to get up and check the situation and check on survivors if any. But the new stimulation on the new appendages shocked them all into not moving as they realized something was going on with themselves but nothing seemed wrong.

Once the Sphere Touched the impenetrable liquid metal it started to peel apart and launch pieces of itself as liquid to those with heart beats that the pulses have magnetized and charged.

No sound was made.

No scream sounded.

No Breaking sound of the haul was made.

Nor the sound of Collision and infusion as the liquid metal seeped into and coated as well as infused into their skin, muscle, tendons, and bones as they worked every muscle and fiber of their being in their new form to get away from the assault of the Haul to no avail.

The Harness, that latched against my breasts was released and disappeared all of a sudden. It was the only thing that made me blink and lose focus maintaining the barrier as two silver arms wrapped around my lower waist as two more snaked their way under my arms and across my breasts up to my shoulders and held me against a solid but soft ripped elongated torso filled with muscle as every move was calculated as he grunted to get up which was the only sound that was made within the silent chaos.

Nine Distorted heads whipped into our direction as their oval eyes showed Red with Orange shading. Each pair had a different pattern in them and different shades or the two colors with Silver Iris in the center and Red and Orange flames danced and glowed in all their eyes.

*Snap* A sound, like someone snapping their fingers, was made as a Metallic echo range in the stilled silence.

As one.. everyone with their six arms, oddly shaped lower halves, and elongated heads. All crawled and Dashed over the bent seating to my general location. They layered themselves onto us as if to embrace us as tightly as they could with me as their center. The Mist dissipated into nothingness as the last one locked themselves onto us as they gripped the flooring, the chair, and each other to make sure no gaps were in-between them just as darkness enveloped the cabinet as the gravitational pull disappeared and gravity became zero.

We stayed in place due to their quick thinking as sleep assaulted all of us as the pain lessened and a strong link was formed between the Males from their bodies as they were still trying to settle into a form, before becoming permanent. We drifted off to sleep unaware of what was going on outside the still intact ship that darkly appeared past the horizon of the now newly made Super Black Hole. Roaring in all its Glory.