Truth Hurts

With a disappointed heavy sigh a mid 40s female teacher dropped a stack of papers with a heavy thud in front of a female college student, with dishwasher blond hair up in a bun and reading glasses dressed in casual clothes with a strait face, standing in front of her desk as the others flinched as they looked on at their classmate getting scolded.

The room was layered in a half circle and only half the seats were taken as the only two ways into the room were from the top layer or the teachers hallway at the bottom.

"Do you know Why I have called you up here?" The teacher sneered with disdain.

With a calm demeanor the student replied, "Because I didn't write about werewolves, and you hate anything not about werewolves?"

The teacher clicked her tongue, "There's no 'Love' in this assignment!" The teacher knocked the stack of papers which was the draft assignment into the trash at the side of the desk, "Why would you turn this in if you didn't have the Main Point? On Top of that you failed to distinguish between Unspoken talk and regular speech! You progressed the story too fast to where you missed the Main Point of the Assignment! Love! Where is the Love in this Draft?"

The calm student replied with slight agitation and mockery, "It would've came later if we had more time and because how would I know you wanted us to write more about getting ganbanged by monsters that turn into humans rather than the Hidden Love from your best friend or the Love from your Father?" 

She snapped back having enough of this abusive teacher as she made exaggerated movements to imitate the teacher, "What You said was 'Write me a story that has Love, Compassion, Adventure, and Mystery! Turn in your Drafts by the end of the week for your Final Grade!'"

Agreements were given by her classmates that, that is what was said as the door atop the room slowly opened as rugged military personnel in full light armor silently walked in as their reflective faceplates recorded what was going on to a third party.

"Don't Mock Me!" The teacher raised her voice as she slammed the desk and stood up, "I can Fail you for this!"

With a calm tone that even the soldiers shivered at she replied, "Do. It. I Dare. You!" The teacher glared daggers at her, "The Only reason I even turned something in. The Only reason! Is because no one else was even going to try to turn something in with how you treated those who did! And their work even exceeded the assignment!"

 A crisp crack sounded loudly followed by glasses hitting the floor and shattering as it echoed as a soldier grabbed the leader's arm to stop him from moving as he clenched his fist and slowly shook his head 'No' as he looked on as angry nonhuman voices raged only inside their helmets.

The teacher shivered as she felt bloodlust from above as she looked up as she finally saw the soldiers. Fear flooded her as she looked at the student in front of her as blood trickled down the students cheek from a gash done by the ring facing the inside of her palm that she stuck with.

A heavy shakily sigh sounded super close and sounded as if it sucked in even the silence from the room. The teacher flinched as the female student glared sideways at her with eyes that were not normal.

Closing her eyes and sighing again tears flowed from her eyes as she opened them again to normal glassy misty hazel eyes, 

"Well then… I'll take my leave… Teacher… Have a good Next. Year!" With blood coating half her face from beneath her eye to her jawline she turned right as the last bell of the year rang. Many gasps sounded as they saw the damage their teacher did, even though they had gotten used to at least bruising had finally drawn blood.

As the soldiers stayed off to the far side to allow the students to leave, none had noticed their presence. As the last student who had blood and tears on her face came up with indifferent eyes glanced in their direction before becoming wide eyed and almost falling backwards.

Another female student grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to the steps as the others had rushed from the door to get medical supplies and brought back the school Nurse and the Dean.

The other girl student said to her in a country accent, "Razy! Don't ya know you're supposed to keep your gaze down to see where ya going when ya don't get your eyes on?" 

She giggled before wincing, "Don't you know not to leave me unsupervised when I don't have my eyes?" Taking another glance in the direction of the soldiers she saw nothing there. Sadly sighing which was taken as a sigh from pain, the other girl led her like the blind person she is just as the Dean and Nurse entered the room to see the fresh blood and tears upon Razy's face.

"Razilia Mordian!" The Dean sternly said, "What happened here?"

With a turn of the head she looked in the direction of the teacher who was obviously wiping blood off of her hand.

In a meek voice Razilia asked, "May we leave please~?" 

Looking at her pale face and the still flowing wound that had now dripped onto her chest staining her shirt, then past their heads at nothing before nodding his head and started to walk down the stairs in a dignified pissed off way.

Her friend pulled Razilia towards the door as a strong hand gently pushed her from behind making her skip a few steps as the Nurse caught her before she lost her footing.

With care in her voice the Nurse eased everyone's tention as the door to the room suddenly closed with a thud, "Let's get you patched up sweetheart!"

In the empty Nurse's office with a cleaned up face and some Stitch-Band Aids keeping the wound closed the Nurse went to cut off her shirt revealing a blood stained gauze wrapped torso. 

"Honey! You know you can't keep it hidden forever!"

As the Nurse slowly and carefully removed the gauze wrapping dual layered feathered wings slowly stretched as if they could finally breathe. The Nurse, still amazed no matter how many times she saw them, handed her a medical gown to cover her large breasts as if they weren't alone in the room.

The hidden soldier in the corner who was still recording got a full luscious view before she covered herself up. 

Nothing stirred in the soldier as he had nothing but his full respect for her.

"Is it almost, That Time, Honey?" The Nurse asked in a sadden voice.

"Probably?" Razilia shrugged, "My sight hasn't fully returned yet so I couldn't tell you."

As the Nurse checked each feather carefully, "I'm still surprised at how young you look, even after how many years it has been!"

"Thank you both for keeping my secret!" 

"No problem, Honey! You were the LinchPin of our crew when we started school! Gosh! It's been like… What? 30 years?" The Nurse said reminiscing lost in thought.

"Lucy, it's already been 37 years!" Razilia sighed in pleasure as Lucy separated some stuck feathers with nimble ease, "You've gotten good at this!"

"I've had years of practice!" With a sullen face as not wanting to say goodbye, "Will they wait until we give you gifts before they take you?" 

The soldier made a soft comment into his helmet that everyone then started to bicker amongst each other at when, how, and how many extra packages needed to be picked up. He muted the channel so he could pay more attention to what was going on in front of him then some old people bicker about this and that about her health and care.

"I should still be here for gifts! If not, I'm sure someone will pick them up and deliver them to me!" Razilia wondered what could these humans give her that they haven't already over the years.

The door opened and the Dean walked in to Lucy pruning Razilias large double feathered wings and quickly shut and locked the door behind him and in his assistants face before he could take a look inside.

"Lucy! You Know Better!" He growled.

"But Ma~rk! They are so~oo~ So~ft!" Lucy defended hiding behind Razilias wings.

Razilia chuckled at their stare down, "You can do the other side if you want?" Razilia coaxed.

The proud old man straightened and coughed, "Preposterous!" Then somehow teleported behind her in his dignified manor and began to effectively prune her other wing as Lucy became offended. 

They bickered at eachother like an old married couple, as they softly separated the feathers without needing to look, all while their actions and skill was caught on camera as the third party became silent in awe as they watched their technique. 

With curiosity the soldier uncloaked himself and took a step forward as his emerald colored armor reflected a green glow from the setting sunlight. That simple action made the two extremely protective and had each just thrown a projectile in his direction while getting in front of Razilia protectively rather quickly before they even registered who it was that had appeared.

The soldier, not offended, saw everything in slow motion and simply caught the two items and placed them aside on a table as he strode as slowly as possible, but in the human eyes he had teleported right in front of them.

Razilia, who's eyes had not fully recovered, was curious on who it was that appeared as she just saw a jade green flash and blur that was a few heads taller than her friends.

"Who's There?" She called out as no one had made a sound of acknowledgment and just stood at a standstill, "Lucy? Mark? What's going on?" She had a hand on the back of each of their shirts as she tugged like a child.