Chapter 15: The Hand

Stroph shook his head a little and said with regret: "No... nothing... this room is absolutely empty... It seems that there is nothing interesting in this room except for the coffin". At that moment there were a lot of thoughts in his head, he did not understand how it was possible.


"I am sorry, I hoped that there would be something worthy here. If you need something, just say the word and you will get it." Anthony was clearly upset by such turn of events. He understood that he practically offered Stroph to go to his death and he could not send him empty-handed.

"Don't worry, though there is really nothing worthy here. How about this? 300 thousand sempets, full supervision of my family, especially my little devil and ...". Stroph thought he shouldn`t be modest, extra money and protection of his family wouldn`t prevent at all.

"It is not a problem, I agree, but what else did you want to say?" Anthony answered with a calm expression, it seemed that such a huge sum wasn`t serious for him.

"The guns are not good here, but I don't have enough good ammo, is there any special ammo for the revolver?" Though Stroph stole 10 packs of cartridges from the school arsenal, he was sure that he could find something more interesting here.

"Come on, I will take you to the ammunition warehouse".

After these words, he quickly turned and left. All others immediately followed him.

A couple of minutes later they got to the warehouse.

Stroph was examining ammo for a long time, he had seen such variety nowhere and never before. All sorts of calibers, experimental, exclusive and rare variants for every weapon in the arsenal. He was well aware of the size of the cartridges he needed. Turning over the whole warehouse, in the end, he stopped in front of the rather strange looking cartridges. After examining them and checking everything properly, he nodded a little and asked with a calm expression on his face: "How many of these can I take?"

Anthony looked at the cartridges in Stroph's hand and was very surprised at his choice.

"Guy, you`re definitely not bad, you chose the most dangerous and the most expensive..."

Anthony knew very well what Stroph chose. They were experimental, bursting, electromagnetic cartridges for revolvers. Thanks to the energy contained in them, it was possible to kill incredibly strong and sturdy monsters for a couple of shots. But they were also quite dangerous. If the shooter is not experienced enough or his weapon is low-grade, he could literally remain without hands. Moreover, every cartridge is filled with a lot of small energy balls. If it hits the target, the cartridge will explode and the monster will be torn and exploded, an incredibly dangerous ammunition.

"We have only 500 of them, they are for special occasions. I don't mind giving you 300, we don't use them anyway. But do you have a suitable quality revolver? Anthony was worried if Stroph could cope with it.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, 300 you speak, well, I'm satisfied with it." After these words, he threw off his backpack and began to put packs of cartridges into it. At that moment each of them could see the cartridges, stolen from the school.

"Hey, guy, what's that?" Richard decided to be the first to ask, as far as he knew schoolchildren could not take cartridges home and even in such numbers.

"Consider that I rewarded myself for the murder of the Demonic Armored Ogre" Stroph quickly answered him and with a calm look continued to put ammunition in his backpack.

Richard looked at Anthony, he didn't know how to react to it, whether to scold the boy or not. He only saw Anthony's unemotional face and then decided that it wasn`t worth saying anything.

The idea to check the cartridges with "Evaluation" came to Stroph`s mind. He was interested to know if they had any characteristics. After a moment there was a window in front of him and he instantly read it. Then he put the last pack of ammo in his backpack.

[Electromagnetic bursting]

[Rarity - rare]

[Damage - 5]

[Skills - no]

Stroph threw his backpack on his back. And waiting for Anthony`s words decided to ask his system about what he had just seen.

[You're right, if you use them with your revolver, the total damage will be - 12, it will be enough to kill the Armored Demonic Ogre with a couple of shots. Your 44 Magnums stolen from the school's arsenal have only 1 damage]


[You are right, the damage may vary depending on the situation]

At that moment Anthony's voice was heard: "Have you finished, guy? How about showing your skills at the shooting gallery? I hope you will fulfill my request."

"Okay, let`s go." Stroph was confident in his abilities, some targets cannot cause him any problems.

They hurriedly went to a special shooting range for the fighters.

It was very large and at the place of the targets on the field there were many 3D holograms of people.

"Here the fighters of our branch test their skills, of course, those who specialize in firearms." Having said this, Anthony clicked on the special panel and a few holograms of immobile people appeared in front of him.

"This is the easiest level of difficulty, as I understand it you like revolvers. The standard for a first rank fighter is to hit seven holograms in 5 seconds from a revolver with a cylinder of 7 rounds. I think we`ll start with it."

After his words, Stroph slowly came up and took the most ordinary revolver in his hands.

Unexpectedly for him, several notices immediately appeared before his eyes.

[It is offered the quest: to pass the test for the fighters, the task is continuous, you can pass it several times, while Anthony will increase your difficulty. The reward is 50 total points and 100 history coins. After each passed test of increased difficulty, the award will be doubled]

At first Stroph just had wanted to take the easiest test and get away, but apparently now Anthony would have to endure him.

Anthony was surprised when he saw how Stroph was holding a revolver.

"So you are a left-handed, quite unexpectedly, the left-handed shooter is rather rarely be seen. Well, it doesn`t matter, when you're ready, give a signal and I'll start the timer."

Stroph didn`t react to his words in any way and nodded easily after a couple of seconds.

At that moment, a slight gong was heard and his time went on. Although seven 3D holograms didn`t move, they were not close to each other, but had a decent distance between them. It would be quite difficult for an inexperienced person to get to all targets in five seconds, without missing once.

Seeing what happened the next second, Richard was quite surprised. Charles and Anthony did not attach any importance to it.

Stroph hit each of the holograms without any problems. And the timer showed a very interesting time - 1.8952.

Looking at the timer, Anthony calmly said: "Excellent skills, a little less than two seconds for all seven targets. Well, shall we increase the complexity?"