Chapter 17: The dish

Stroph slowly got out of the car and said goodbye to Richard, then the car immediately moved.

He came to the door of the house, passed the AI inspection and entered the hallway. The first thing he saw were small pink and white sneakers lying neatly on the shelf.

Stroph realized that his little sister is already at home, but his main goal now was to relax.

He took off his sneakers, scattering them in different directions and went to his room.

When he opened the door, he threw off his backpack filled with the ammo and mumbled a few words: "I'm back, my love," and after that he collapsed on the bed like a stone.

< I am even lazy to move, just lying down for a couple of minutes and having a rest, I'll clean up later. It was too busy day today > Stroph didn`t intend to do anything at all, but soon while he was lying motionless in the bed several notifications appeared in front of him.

[We propose a quest: stop idling and go to help Amber with the cooking. The award - 100 points of benefit and 200 coins of history].

"I thought you knew a lot about justice. But it doesn't seem so..." Instead of immediately agreeing, as in previous times, Stroph started mumbling something about himself.


"Don't you understand, all quests were fair before, whether it was a battle with the Demonic Armored Ogre or several shooting tests in a row, everything was quite fair and clear." Stroph continued his monologue without answering the Bookmark`s question.

After these words, he yawned a lot and continued: "Maybe for another person 100 points for help in cooking is an impressive reward, but do you really think that some pathetic 100 points and 200 coins will make me get out of bed now? It is impossible. Now I will be lying and lying and again lying."

[Should I suppose it that you are giving up the quest?]

Stroph answered without thinking: "It turns out this way".

[Ok. Then, this quest is cancelled].

[Congratulations on receiving the title of the common level - "Lazy", the effect - the efficiency of rest increased by 10%].

[The history of the common level was received - "Refused of the quest", the effect - no].

A couple of minutes after these thoughts Stroph fell asleep.

About two hours later, it was heard how the doors of the house opened. It was Stroph and Amber`s father and mother. The woman had a joyful expression on her face, but there was also a hint of anxiety too and there was a glimmer of pride in the man's eyes, and a light smile on his face.

Stroph's father was blond with short hair and green eyes. He looked like he was about forty five, wearing a beige jacket, white shirt and black pants. He was slim, 5 feet and 6 inches tall in average. (170cm)

Next to him a very beautiful and tall woman was standing. She was about 35 years old. She had very long, thick, red hair. Excellent figure, big bust size D and red as a fire eyes. She was wearing a black tight dress and she was almost six and a half feet tall.

The name of Stroph's father was Robert and his mother was Elizabeth.

On entering the hallway, Robert immediately smelled a pleasant fragrance. Taking off his shoes, he calmly said: "Dear, Amber has prepared something delicious, I can even smell this beautiful scent here. And Stroph seems getting serious, he is going to the fighters' school tomorrow! I am proud of our children!"

Elizabeth answered with a smile on her face: "Yes, honey, we have not children but some real miracle".

After these words, they both went to the kitchen, where Amber almost finished cooking.

Amber was Stroph's younger sister, she was 3 years younger, and now she studied in the high school. Amber was 14 years old, and she had black hair up to her shoulders, red mother`s eyes, and she was about 5 feet tall. The girl was wearing a yellow T-shirt and short denim shorts.

"My dear, you as always cooking a lot of delicious food for me and Daddy. By the way, did Stroph come home?" Elizabeth praised her daughter.

Amber kept silent for a while, and then she cheeked and said: "Yes, this scoundrel didn't even come to me, but just went to his room!"

Having heard her, Richard immediately said: "Don't be offended by him, your older brother had a hard day today!"

"Hmm? What happened to him today," Amber was not aware of all the events.

Richard answered with pride in his voice: "As your mother and I were told, Stroph showed himself perfectly at today's school test and, thanks to his skills, he was able to kill a third rank monster! That`s why he was later taken to a branch of the Phantom Association, where he was offered to join a fighter school in another city! He is leaving tomorrow!" Richard was very pleased with his son, when he heard this news he was certainly sorry for the victims, but he was incredibly pleased with his son.

For about ten minutes Elizabeth was praising Stroph and all this time Amber was standing with the widely open mouth. She was shocked by the actions and heroism of her brother.

"Mom, Dad, since Stroph is so good and is leaving tomorrow, I want to cook him his favorite dish!" In fact, Amber loved her older brother, although he often pissed her off with his laziness and indifference.

"What a smart girl you are, I will help you, just let me change the clothes. Elizabeth supported her daughter's idea, and hurried to change, because cooking in a dress wasn`t the best idea.

About an hour later to the dishes cooked by Amber, were added another, the most favorite Stroph`s meal, beyond any favorites.

Richard hurriedly praised his lovely girls: "You are both incredible hostesses, I was so lucky to have you. Amber, baby, go and call your brother to the table."

Amber didn`t answer anything, only nodded a little and went to her older brother's room.

Stroph was still sleeping sweetly. As Amber began to approach Stroph's room, one of the three white straps went up in the air and greatly hit Stroph`s hand.

"Ohhh! What the hell is going on!" Stroph didn`t understand what was happening now.

"Ahahahahaha, stop sleeping, some kind of life form is approaching you, quite similar to you".

It was "Snow White Darkness," his laughter was as eerie as always and the mark of his blow was clearly visible on Stroph's hand.

Stroph frowned and said with displeasure in his voice: "Was it really impossible to wake him up somehow in another way?" He was not very happy that his sleep had been interrupted and in a such way.

After these thoughts, Stroph slowly got up and went to open the door.

He got ahead of Amber, and she saw her older brother in some kind of coat.

"А? Brother, what are you wearing?" She was surprised by Stroph's new clothes.

Stroph scattered his hands and calmly said: "They gave it to me, did you want something?"

After a couple of seconds, Amber replied: "Let's go eating! Mother and I have prepared your favorite dish!"

When Stroph heard her words, his eyes caught fire and he immediately went to the kitchen. Amber followed him.

When he saw the dishes in the center of the table, he drooled and only one word appeared in his head