Chapter 25: The Last Exhibit

Upon hearing Stroph's answer the girl rejoiced and immediately ran up to him pointing the way. Stroph was surprised by what he saw, he had always imagined the slave market as a great number of cages or some subterranean cold rooms where the slaves were, but it was far from what he had thought.

Each slave had a small room and not some dirty old cage, but with wooden walls, a chair, a table and a bed. It was very dignified for the slaves and the conditions of the slaves were noticeable, too. There was no one beaten, dirty or sick, everyone looked like a normal person and even wore not the worst quality clothing.

Naturally, the women's conditions were slightly better, which is understandable, they could have a small bathroom in addition to a small room, which could be considered as a phenomenal luxury.

There was a 3D holographic window on the door of every room, where you could see all the information about a slave, as well as watch the pictures, various videos prepared beforehand. Skills, hobbies, education, preferences, if one spent a little time, the potential buyer could find a slave according to his taste or needs.

Stroph was surprised by one detail and that was the absolute variety in slaves, men and women, sexy slaves and ordinary workers, from simple cooking skills to how good a slave was at sex. Of course, Stroph was more interested in the women, but he saw a couple of men, too. Some of them got here because of debts or just were sold as a manual labor.

Stroph certainly enjoyed looking at rather beautiful and sexy women and learning about their skills, but nothing caught his eye, right now he didn't need a cleaner or a cook or some hottie in his bed. In fact, he didn't know what exactly he needed, for he had come here out of sheer curiosity.

The moment they saw quite a number of slaves the girl asked: "Did you like anyone?" She seemed a little worried, because Stroph wasn't interested in anyone.

He looked at her and said rather quietly: "It's fine here, but a bit boring, there's nothing interesting or something that makes me wish it with all my heart." He said it as if he were complaining to himself about the fact that anything hadn`t been attracted him.

The girl was silent for a while and then said: "As far as I know, there are a couple of other slaves that are not available to ordinary visitors, but I don't have the authority to take you there, the permission is granted personally by the owner..." The girl seemed discouraged that she would have to be bored again, this peculiar excursion entertained her quite well.

But as she was about to leave, a very disgruntled voice sounded behind them, "Slacker! Why the hell did you leave your desk again?" The speaker was an incredibly beautiful woman in her thirties, when she saw her, the girl's face immediately went pale and she muttered: "Miss Lilly...I stepped away for just a moment..." Her voice was intermittent, with visible notes of fear.

After these words, she immediately ran back to her seat, apparently, Lilly was quite a stern boss.

Lilly didn't say anything to the girl running past, it didn't seem to happen for the first time, instead, she looked at the white-haired young man in front of her.

She had long, thick, blue hair, charming curves and, what was the most notable, very big breast. She was dressed in a long lilac dress with a great neckline.

"Young man, are you looking something for yourself?" She couldn't help but ask her potential customer about it.

Stroph immediately replied, "There`re great goods here, but I'd like something special."

Lilly smiled and replied, "If you have money I can take you to a place where only select guests are allowed, if you don't like anything I'll give you your money back."

Stroph only nodded slightly and asked: "How much?"

Hearing his question, Lilly's eyes lit up and she instantly answered, "Twenty thousand."

"Okay" He transferred money to Lilly and she took him to a special, underground floor of the building.

In brief, it was the same as before, but one could feel the power of the money had been invested here. Each slave had his own small apartment, and many more amenities, they even had a Jacuzzi!

Seeing such luxury Stroph had a strange feeling that the conditions of these slaves were much better than his own.

Aside from the rooms, it was evident that the quality of the slaves had also increased, the women were more beautiful, the men stronger, and if somebody didn`t stand out in something unusual in appearance, it meant that he had an excellent level of skills in some area or several ones at once.

But although Stroph's eyes were pleased to look at the gorgeous girls in rather lewd clothing, nothing caught his eye again.

"Really nothing again? All the men who used to come here used to take these girls eagerly, maybe you should pay more attention to the guys." Lilly couldn't understand how Stroph still hadn't bought anything.

Hearing her words, Stroph choked on and said waving away: "No, no no, I like women, and it`s no use pretending, I'd love to spend a night with any of these women, but ..I just feel it`s all not what I really want..." Stroph was a bit frightened by Lilly's assumptions, which caused him to explain himself in a hurry.

Lily didn't answer anything and just thought: But at that moment a thought came into her head, in fact she did have something left.

Having made up her mind, she said: "Young man, would you like to look at something else, it's free."

Stroph said nothing and only waited until she led him.

They went to the far end of the underground floor, where there was a short way down.

As they were walking down the stairs, Lilly told: "This is an old part of the building that I haven't had a chance to fix up and make look good yet. There's a slave here, I found her barely alive a couple of years ago. But, she's very problematic, she doesn't want to live in the comfortable wooden rooms like the others. She eats practically nothing and just sits in the dirty old cage, and at any attempt to move her, makes a real mess." It was clear from her voice that she was worried about the girl's condition.

Hearing her little story Stroph thought,

After a couple of minutes they came up to an iron, rusty, old door. Lilly opened it with the usual metal key, and Stroph saw a scene, amazing on the one hand and a horrifying on the other.

In the cage, on the dirty floor, it was sitting a girl in her early twenties, with purple hair below her shoulders. She was incredibly thin and for some reason her fingernails and toenails were torn out. Moreover, her eyes were white and she was blind. It was a gruesome sight.

Stroph examined her carefully and after a couple of seconds his eyes flashed brightly and he said distinctly and earnestly, "I'll take her!"