Chapter 28: The End of Affairs

About an hour after Violet had gone to the bathroom, she came back into the hall.

Stroph looked at her and realized that there was one thing that needed to solve straight away and that was clothes. Both for him and for Violet. Right now she was standing in front of him in a towel as the only clothes she had were some dirty tattered rags.

Having made up his mind, Stroph turned to Violet, "Would you like to go with me and choose some clothes?"

Certainly, they could go to the store, try on different variants and buy everything they needed there, but it was much easier to order a delivery and a drone just would fly to your place in an hour with all your stuff.

Hearing Stroph's suggestion, Violet smiled slightly and nodded approvingly.

But as he opened the clothing catalog with his bracelet, Stroph realized how stupid he was. At that moment he thought,

After these thoughts, Stroph said: "Violet, why don't we go shopping? We can try them on and buy right there." Saying this, he looked at the girl expecting her answer.

"Okay, but I really have no idea what kind of clothes I'd like."

Ten minutes later they left the house and headed straight for the nearest store. Stroph sincerely hoped that they would buy everything quickly and go home without any delays or accidents.

Although Violet was blind and she couldn`t see both colors and screens, nevertheless she could feel and "see" everything perfectly well in her own way.

Stroph left Violet alone for a while so she could choose the clothes she liked in shape and material, while he quickly grabbed two T-shirts, a pair of jeans and a pair of gray sneakers for himself. He was already prepared emotionally for the full force of a girl's love of shopping, but a real miracle happened.

Violet made her choice almost as quickly as Stroph did, to his great surprise she chose a strict style. A woman's black blazer, white shirt, black pants but she didn't like the tie for some reason. It was reminded him of someone else when he saw her choice.

Along with these thoughts he wondered if Charles was doing okay now, because as for himself, things got really fucked up.

"Master, how do I look?" Violet roughly understood what she was wearing now, but she didn't know what color her clothes were.

Stroph looked at her, assessed her again, then said: "Better than ever, I think you`ve made the right choice." It wasn't clear whether he really liked the way Violet looked or whether he wanted to go out of here and get into bed as soon as possible.

To his surprise, Violet blushed slightly and was just standing silently waiting for Stroph to pay for everything. This time she no longer resisted the fact that Stroph spent his money on her.

All the purchases cost about five thousand sempets.

Stroph strongly wanted to get home, but there was one last question to solve, he couldn't leave it unfinished. And that was Violet's fingernails, or rather their absence.

"Violet, I want to pay for fingernail surgery, what do you think?" The question was rhetorical, as he had already made up his mind and Violet seemed to understand that as well.

She just bowed low respectfully and said sincerely: "Thank you, Master". Her voice trembled slightly, apparently Stroph's kindness really touched her. Stroph didn`t think he was doing any kindness, in fact, he simply couldn`t leave his subordinate dirty, hungry and sick.

Actually, while Violet had been taking a shower, Stroph had already signed her up for surgery, but the hospital that had a good rating was pretty far from their house, so before they left they had to come home and leave all their shopping, Stroph's clothes and another set of formal wear that Violet had taken.

Their next destination was the bus stop from where they got to the hospital. They arrived rather early because Stroph had scheduled the surgery calculating the time if Violet just got bogged down in the shopping, but fortunately or unfortunately, he was wrong.

While he was waiting, Stroph read about the procedure itself and was surprised that the Slums had such advanced medicine, for as far as he knew, there was only one hospital in his city that performed such operations. Certainly, it could possible to implant plastic or metal plates instead of real fingernails, but Stroph couldn't afford to make it so squalid.

About two hours later, Violet was called into the office where she and the surgeon selected the nails, and then the operation began.

In Terein there was absolutely no importance to have such things as a medical insurance or any documents necessary for the operation. If you could pay, you would get any surgery you wanted without any questions.

It was certainly not cheap, as much as fifty thousand sempets! Ten fingernails cost as much as half of their house, but Stroph didn't regret it, he couldn't leave Violet with a piece of meat instead of fingernails and at the same time he didn't want to implant her any of that plastic stuff.

The operation lasted until the evening, all that time Stroph was either reading something, or watching videos or playing. He also mentally communicated with "Snow White Darkness", as he wanted to know what it thought of Violet, and in short, his companion thought that she could become incredibly strong through her muscles and her strength of spirit. Hearing about her strength of spirit, Stroph decided to ask more about it, he hadn't spent enough time with Violet and didn't know how strong she was emotionally, finally he received a simple reply:

Hearing his words Stroph thought to himself, " It`s arrogant, incredibly arrogant, but it`s really true, I think I'll focus on myself and get stronger". Then added "Of course, after a little rest"

Stroph was also thinking about the fact where to hunt monsters, on the local network he could find information that a variety of monster species lived outside of the city and the further away from the borders, the more dangerous the creatures were.

The option was quite simple and effective, in fact, he should leave the city and kill monsters, and then return, but this option had one big disadvantage, it was too long to migrate, back and forth, even if he had a private plane, but he didn't have one.

Thinking over the matter, he concluded that he would have to call Cristo, he had his contact information, so it would be foolish not to take advantage of it. Cristo would probably know a better way.

The next moment, the operating room door was opened and Violet with the bandaged hands and small blood stains around her fingernails came out of it.

On seeing her, Stroph stood up and said: "Well, let`s go home to bed at last"