Chapter 37: An Incomprehensible Purchase

Stroph was greatly surprised at the weapon "Snow White Darkness" was pointing at.

It looked like an old sniper rifle and moreover, with the least damage of all twenty ones, it had only 28.

Of course, it cost less than Stroph`s choice, but still a lot, as much as 145,000 sempets. Stroph wasn't surprised that such a weapon was here and at such a price. He just thought it was some kind of rarity, meant to stand nicely in a frame, not for battle, so he just walked past it without focusing his attention on it.

Stroph turned to his companion, he didn't understand why this weapon had attracted the attention of "Snow White Darkness". At first Stroph thought maybe he was missing something, so he checked it a few more times with the "Evaluation" and just with a glance, but he didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

. After these words the "Snow White Darkness" was silent and said nothing more.

A few minutes later, Stroph lost his patience and said,

In response, a quiet, intimidating voice was heard in Stroph's head:

Stroph thought about its words for about ten minutes and again checked the rifle for many times with the "Evaluation".

Though, in terms of damage, it was garbage, but in appearance it looked really impressive and unusual.

In the center a large blue lotus was depicted, as well as throughout the gray sniper rifle there were many black cracks, surprisingly forming themselves something remotely similar to the set of vines.

And it had a very interesting name - "Water Lotus Plexus".

But its merits ended there, 28 damage and the usual rarity didn't appeal to Stroph at all and at such a price.

Stroph was sure that "Snow White Darkness" would not waste words and he doubted very much that his companion's choice was actually worse than his.

But he didn't know who to believe to, Bookmark or "Snow White Darkness", so Stroph decided to figure out what he had missed. He used "Evaluation" over a hundred times, checked each weapon both by himself and with his skill. So about two hours passed and his use of "Evaluation" passed the thousand mark.

Stroph was beginning to freak out; he was just sick of figuring out what was wrong, it was like solving a math problem from the primary form, being in the high school.

The next moment a notification popped up in front of him.

[Congratulations, common level skill -"Evaluation" was improved, skill level raised by 1.]

Upon seeing this notification, Stroph was greatly stunned, he had never heard of any skill levels before.

Stroph had a great number of questions.

[The meaning of the first level skills is not written, check your skill list now and you'll understand everything]

Upon hearing Bookmark's answer, Stroph immediately checked his skills.

[Hunter's View (common)

[Evaluation (common) Lv.2]

Seeing the level marking at Evaluation, Stroph understood everything at once.

The information, that skills could be made stronger, was extremely important to him.

[Well, so you haven`t asked it.]

Stroph instantly got an answer to his question.

When he heard it, he was standing in a stupor for a while, because it's logical: if you didn't ask- you didn't learn it, but how it pissed him off. After a couple of minutes, Stroph calmed down and decided to use "Evaluation" again at the rifle with the blue lotus.

The next thing he saw answered all his questions. Now he understood why "Snow White Darkness" had pointed this particular weapon.

[Sniper Rifle - "Water Lotus Plexus"]

[Rarity - common(???)]

[Damage - 28]

[Magazine size - 5]

[Skills – none (???)]

Yes, at the first glance it may seem what is the point of the fact that there were question marks. It did not become more answers, even on the contrary.

But, the question marks pointed to one very important thing. This gun can become stronger, even without the skill level of the system, there was something hidden and unusual in it.

Of course, that doesn't negate the fact that its damage was very mediocre at this point and it had the common level of rarity. But as an experienced gamer, Stroph knew that extremely often such things actually turn out stronger than their counterparts.

He also used the updated "Evaluation" on all other sniper rifles, but he got no new information.

After deciding on his choice, he called the salesman. He didn't keep Stroph waiting long.

On the salesman's face was the same bright smile, "Sir, I assume you've made up your mind?" As before, he bowed respectfully to Stroph.

Stroph calmly replied, "Yes, I'll take this one." As he said this, he pointed to the "Water Lotus Plexus".

At the same moment Stroph thought to himself that its name was too long, so he decided to just call it "Lotus."

When he saw where Stroph was pointing at, the salesman's eyes sparkled. "Lotus" wasn`t the most expensive weapon, but far from the cheapest. But the most important thing was that, because of its weak characteristics, a buyer had not been found for a very, very long time.

That was just great news for the salesman.

"You have excellent taste, sir, you have made a fine choice." He went to the sniper rifle, opened the capsule, took it out and handed it to Stroph.

Stroph immediately transferred the money, but just as he was about to leave, he heard salesman`s voice.

"Sir, would you like to buy ammunition? One thousand sempets for ten cartridges."

Stroph had completely forgotten that he needed ammunition as well; he was glad to be reminded of that. So he hurriedly agreed to buy a few packs, but just as he was about to open his mouth and start talking, he was stopped by the voice of "Snow White Darkness" :< No need... go away... I'll explain everything to you later.>

Once again, the words of his companion seemed very strange and illogical to him. But, Stroph decided to trust him, especially after the incident with the rifle.

"No, no need, have a good day." Stroph answered dryly. Then he was led upstairs where he exited the store safely, carrying a large black case behind his back. There was the Lotus. Stroph could, of course, splurge and buy another inventory slot. But if in the case of the Last Light he could pretend to take it out from under his coat, with such a large weapon such a trick wouldn't work.

Stroph wanted to phone Cristo and asked to take him to where the monsters were, but "Snow White Darkness," again, decided to change his plans.