Chapter 42: The Field of Greatness

Stroph didn't understand what kind of skill he had gained, or what "progressive" meant.

After a while, he asked: "Bookmark, what does "progressive" mean?"

As always, the answer followed immediately.

[Progressive skills can become stronger, for example, a common level skill can easily become a rare level skill, but it requires certain conditions, each skill has its own.]

Hearing the explanation Stroph nodded slightly and decided to check the description of his new, unusual skill.

A window of information immediately opened in front of him.

[(Active) Field of Greatness – common (progressive)]


[The conditions of enhancement - ????]

Stroph wasn't thrilled that all he saw were question marks and no specifics.

"Well, okay, I'll figure it out later." After these words, he slowly stood up and carefully put the "Lotus" in the black case, then threw it on his back and strode towards the corpse of the Flesh Hunter.

At that moment, he decided to thank "Snow White Darkness" for all its advice:

"Snow White Darkness" didn't say anything back, but it didn't need to. Now Stroph only wanted to rest, for he had just engaged in a deadly battle, straining his body and mind hard.

He needed to find Violet and return together with her to the small town that was in front of the entrance to the Farm.

Also for killing the Flesh Hunter, Stroph got 50 common points and 150 history coins and a lot of experience, which raised his level to 7.

Stroph was satisfied with so many points and coins, but he had spent all his strength and put his life in danger to defeat only one monster of the fifth rank, so until he was strong enough, he could not get many points and coins.

After a while he reached the torn carcass of the beast, he began to think about taking this huge carcass with him, but the solution itself appeared right in front of him.

"Master!" That decision turned out to be Violet, who heard the sounds of the battle and got here. She immediately ran up to him and began to ask if he was hurt and what had happened.

Stroph quickly answered a couple of questions, then said: "Violet, grab that thing by its fat tail and let's go to the town." Stroph knew that the Flesh Hunter weighed an incredible amount, but he was sure that the two of them could definitely drag its body across the ground.

But, to his shock, Violet didn't need him, she grabbed the beast's tail tightly with both hands and dragged it easily along the ground.

"Every time I see your strength in action, I wonder more and more." With these words, Stroph headed straight for town and Violet followed him quietly, dragging the corpse of the huge monster behind her.

They were walking for quite a long time, and after a few hours they were only a little time away from leaving the first zone.

By that time Stroph had already regained some of his strength and he was ready to fight again if necessary.

At that moment he noticed some movement around them and was already ready to attack, and he was absolutely right, because after a couple of seconds several very aggressive monster, strongly resembling rabbits in appearance, flew right out at them.

Their fur was much shorter, their skin was rougher, their paws were stronger and their fangs sharper, some kind of hares-killers.

Stroph wasn't worried about these furious hares at all, for they were some of the weakest monsters of the first rank that almost anyone could handle.

So, he told Violet to ignore them and pulled out the "Last Light" and started aiming, but he didn't have to shoot, because the next moment a notification from the System appeared in front of him.

[Forcefully activated skill -"Field of Greatness"]

Suddenly Stroph felt as if there were barely perceptible vibrations around his body, but most interestingly, the aggression of the monsters was abruptly replaced by the incredible terror and all-consuming fear and they immediately ran away, putting all their strength into their hind legs.

As soon as the hares fled, the strange vibrations immediately disappeared. Stroph didn't know why the skill had decided to activate on its own, but he had no time to think about it, for as soon as he turned around, he saw Violet kneeling.

She was leaning her hands on the ground and all of her clothes were drenched with profuse sweat. Stroph didn't understand what was going on, or why Violet looked like she'd been drained.

He immediately asked: "Violet, are you all right? What's the matter?" His voice was clear and slightly agitated. A lot of thoughts at once went through his mind as to what had happened to Violet. He ran through many variants, such as: injury, illness, poisoning, and others.

But none of his guesses proved correct.

"Master, at one point I felt an unusual pressure from you that I just couldn't take." She took a breath and continued in a quiet voice: "The pressure was very similar to the one I experienced before our sparring session."

Hearing her words, Stroph was dumbfounded. Last time he had emitted as much aura as he could at all, moreover, in addition to his own, he used the aura of "Snow White Darkness", but now exactly the same effect was achieved by just using the "Field of Greatness".

He began to ponder what would happen when this skill became rare or even higher. After thinking for a while about the future power of this skill, he helped Violet to stand up and then they continued their way to the exit of the forest.

As soon as they appeared on the road to the city, everyone immediately paid attention to them, or to be more precise, to the huge carcass of a monster that Violet was dragging with one hand.

There were plenty of other people carrying monster carcasses besides them, but no one was anywhere near as big a catch as Stroph and Violet.

They were headed straight for a huge building with a big round sign in the shape of a black wolf's head. People brought monster carcasses to that place and sold them for money. You could get a huge amount of useful materials from monsters, ranging from such trivial things as meat for restaurants, to scales or plates from which you could make a variety of armor and fortifications. Also it wasn`t uncommon to use bones to make weapons. Without taking the exceptions into account, the price depended almost entirely on the rarity and the rank of the monster. After all, the stronger was the monster, the stronger were its bones and the sharper were its claws.

Stroph had no idea how much a powerful fifth-rank monster like the Flesh Hunter might cost, but he was sure he would be satisfied when he heard the final price.

There were many rooms of different sizes for different monsters in such buildings, and in each room there was an appraiser who had the authority to give the carcass a price and pay for it immediately.

When they went inside, everyone was surprised by the monster Violet was dragging behind her. Stroph just thought it was because of the size of the Flesh Hunter's carcass, so he didn't give it much thought.

He calmly went up to the girl behind the counter, she should give an initial assessment and determine where this or that monster should be taken.

Stroph seemed that the girl was very anxious for some reason, but deciding to ignore it, calmly said: "Please, evaluate this beauty." He said this pointing at the carcass behind him.

The girl was simply silent and didn't know what to say, but after a few seconds, she mumbled in a shaky voice: "Excuse me, I have no right to rate monsters of this level. I'll better call the manager!" Then the girl hurriedly began to call someone.