Chapter 30

Another loud and loud knock is heard again all over the place, the main doors are shaken with fury, it seems that the doors are going to fall, because of the force that the demons are doing, I look at my side, I see my husband with her true transformation of the ancient god of vampires and me with my transformation of the goddess of the Moon, the problem with my transformation is that it is incomplete, I do not have my power one hundred percent, I have fifty percent of my power as a goddess and as empress.

- Now is the time to protect what we swear by before the supreme God…! - My brother shouts as if we were human soldiers, although now we look like them.

Nobody says anything, everything is silent, only the blows, we remain in our battle positions, until one of the two main doors fell to the ground making a great noise and raising the dust, that makes us cough and sneezes, that it does not distract us from the war that is in front of our faces.