Chapter 21: Registration and Household Management_3

We must separate the refugees, but we cannot spread them too thin, otherwise it would be inconvenient to manage.

Dividing them into sixteen sub-camps based on their places of origin became the most reasonable strategy.

Moreover, staying with fellow townspeople, the refugees would feel more secure.

Winters didn't know exactly how the White Lion "organized the population", so he could only proceed according to his own thoughts.

"To organize the population like weaving a basket," he first needed to know how many people there were.

Winters registered all the refugees outside the city by family, logging their [gender], [age], [place of origin], [physical health], and [family members and property].

All of his literate soldiers were pulled in to register the refugees, including Winters himself taking to the field.

He also borrowed thirty-three accountants and scribes from various businesses within the city.

When the Blood Wolf spoke, the merchants happily sent over their employees.