The vine whips kept breaking so often that the warriors attending the class secretly nicknamed Xial "Another One" behind his back.
Because every time Winters broke a vine whip, Xial would immediately hand him a new one.
Tamas, Bart Xialing, Samujin... They were all made into "Centurions" by Winters through relentless beatings with the vine whip.
Since a crash course accounting school could be set up, setting up a crash course military school didn't seem too difficult either.
The more Winters thought about it, the more elated he became.
"We must have an Infantry Department! I'll be the headmaster," Winters muttered to himself as he wrote on the paper, "The Cavalry Department is a must, too! Andre, well... let's have Bard do it. Artillery Department, Senior Mason! Even though we don't have a single cannon right now..."
Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery, the classic triad of the Ned Smith military system.