Chapter 10: Multiple Choice Questions Adults Hate

The resentment of Evil Fallen...

Even though Bai Wu could quickly accept all sorts of fantasy settings, he still felt like a newbie who had encountered a little Demon King in Beginner's Village.

Just the resentment was enough to briefly trap the main investigation team... Would things be too dangerous later on?

Bai Wu looked back and realized his worries were somewhat superfluous.

Wu Jiu could easily handle these resentments. His style was different from the others; while they seemed locked at 30 frames per second, Wu Jiu was operating at 144.

"Hmm, these people won't die, they actually seem to be enjoying it."

Without worrying further, Bai Wu directly pushed open the door to the third-to-last room at the end of the corridor.

Wang Shi was a typical muscle and brute force practitioner. When he was entwined by the black, slender hands like snakes, his muscles instantly swelled, tearing apart those hands with brute strength.

"Captain, where did you find this freak... He's got serious guts."

Ignoring Wu Jiu's warning, Bai Wu entered the room that seemed to be filled with heavy resentment.

This act greatly impressed Wang Shi. Even he, upon seeing those eerie black hands, felt they were quite intimidating.

But the reading on Bai Wu's wristwatch was zero, indicating that even the sudden appearance of these things hadn't caused the slightest turmoil in his heart.

"If his emotional fluctuation reading were in single digits, then perhaps he was indeed born extraordinarily brave. But if it is zero, it's either the emotion detector is malfunctioning or he himself has a problem."

Wu Jiu's voice seemed somewhat ethereal due to his high-speed movement.

Having adapted to Evil Fallen's mode of attack, the group gradually calmed down, and the numbers on their wristwatches were slowly decreasing.



The room was much larger than Bai Wu had imagined because it actually connected with the two rooms on the right.

There was an aquarium in the room, but it no longer held any fish. There was also a rather delicate iron cage, with a showerhead positioned overhead, aimed directly at the center of the cage.

In the cage lay a thick chain that had been broken. On the wall opposite the cage, Bai Wu also found a camera.

The ground was littered with many discarded syringes. In the corner of the room, diagonally across from the cage, there was a table with three objects on it.

A comb, a file, and a key.

And these three objects were all surrounded by a visibly black aura.

It was as if warning explorers that these objects were not to be trusted.

Bai Wu began to focus on one item after another:

[A dog cage, but what you wouldn't imagine is that this cage is an object of Spirit Possession, abnormally sturdy. It fulfilled its purpose perfectly, from the start to the finish, the poor Little Pitiful was never able to break free from its prison until at last, it was let out. Woof woof woof, born a cage, it is sorry.]

[Scattered syringes on the ground, which once contained various sedatives, as well as serum from some strange creatures. One injection makes you refreshed, two injections strengthen the body, three injections rejuvenate (one barb for 50 cents, remember to delete the content in brackets).]

[The camera, nothing much to say, high resolution, I suggest you install one in Yin Shuang's house, she likes to sleep naked.]

[The chain, for the standards of bondage play, indeed a bit too heavy, but for shackles, it's just about right, especially since this too is an object of Spirit Possession.]

Bai Wu then looked towards the other two connected rooms.

[No need to look further, the documents in these two rooms have been destroyed, and the owner of the rooms has been assimilated by poor Little Pitiful. There used to be quite a bit of information in these two rooms, but now you'd better focus your attention on the table.]

After surveying the room, Bai Wu had made an assessment. There was little information about the artifacts around him, but it was clear that something had been imprisoned here once.

It could have been human, Evil Fallen, or some other monster, or perhaps the three were one and the same.

Yet Bai Wu still didn't look at the three items on the table but first glanced at the table itself.

"A table that has held many secrets, and being one of the few set pieces in Little Pitiful's line of sight, it wasn't destroyed but left for those who came after... a choice."

Even without reading the notes, Bai Wu knew that the items of greatest significance were the three on the table.

But like savoring his food by saving the best for last, and to prevent any preconceptions from an incomplete scan, Bai Wu looked over everything in the room.

Once sure he had missed nothing, his gaze fell on the comb.

"Among the three items, this one would grant you one of three things: Talent Sequence, Little Pitiful's friendship, Little Pitiful's hatred. You must choose wisely, for choosing one means the other two will disappear."

There was no information about the comb... it was more like a riddle for himself.

Bai Wu frowned and turned to the document that looked like a diary:

"As I open the document, I find no date in history, each page is scrawled with 'benevolence and morality'... oh, wrong line. Who keeps a diary when they're serious? This is a document containing many details that Little Dwarf and I would want to know. But will encountering it bring you Little Pitiful's hatred or friendship, or a Talent? That's for you to figure out."

"This document does have some notes, things of interest to Wu Jiu and me... It must be the historical truth. Perhaps there are clues to some part of the truth of the past within?",

Bai Wu certainly didn't think that a single document would happen to be a history book from before The Era of the High Tower, but there might be some guidance within.

However, he didn't flip through the document because touching it meant the other two items would disappear.

He turned his attention to the last item, a key.

"This key isn't the key to a cage. It can unlock a crucial place, possibly a shortcut or an abyss. I can imagine you'll be frustrated; after all, I'm a collector of full game saves myself~"

Bai Wu twitched his mouth, feeling quite displeased at the moment.

Without the sensation of emotions, he felt utterly empty.

"I miss my previous life."

In his past life, whenever Bai Wu played games and encountered choices, he would always save the game to experience every path.

But not this time, unless he could reverse time.

So which one should he choose?

If it was a choice of reward for completion, Bai Wu would choose Sequence; he didn't care about the friendship of the powerful Evil Fallen. Nor did he want to be remembered by them.

But the problem was, it wasn't clear what the consequences of choosing one of them would be.

"The document contains things that are of interest to Wu Jiu and me, the comb comes without any hints... that's noteworthy too. And the key corresponds to a certain door... perhaps there are important clues behind it as well.",

"Hey kid, are you done yet, or did you die in there?", came the annoyed voice of Lin Wurou.

Everyone with them had calmed down completely, although black arms were still reaching out, they were few and far between.

Shang Xiaoyi was even a bit disappointed; the Evil Fallen never showing itself made him feel it was all rather dull.

A decision had to be made.

Many profiled scenes flashed through Bai Wu's mind, and after a short while, he reached out his hand towards the table.