Chapter 20: The Boss Battle Begins

More and more logs were infused into Bai Wu's mind in the form of memories.

Bai Wu now understood why the notes referred to Hong Yin as Little Pitiful.

This pitiful child had borne the resentment and pain of everyone. The pain and resentment of a single individual were enough to cause a person with a normal state of mind to undergo an Evil Fallen Transformation due to intense negative emotions.

And what kind of terrifying monster would result from all the test subjects in the entire Ninth Psychiatric Hospital combined?

As the logs progressed, Hong Yin had already begun to lose her sanity.

Even warped to such an extent, she remained like a kind child. Faced with the doctors who had once tormented her, Hong Yin still didn't want to kill them.

But it was already too late, the hospital had become a place heavy with grudges, where everyone feared Hong Yin.

If not for those negative emotions, Hong Yin might have been able to restrain her desire to kill.

But the negative emotions were so intense that the entire hospital, aside from Elijah the Evil Fallen, was left with no survivors.

At the center of all the assembled fragments was the growth and transformation of Hong Yin.

The sweet girl next door, in order to relieve the pain of the other people in the hospital, had absorbed too much resentment and began to mutate, little by little...

The black patches on her body that expanded gradually, the eyes that slowly grew out of her forehead – with each person taken away, Hong Yin got one step closer to that indescribable monster.

In the end...

Bai Wu saw a monster without a fixed shape, all hidden in vast black mist, with hundreds of eyes flickering with crimson light, quietly observing its surroundings.

"It's a pity that Prayle's Eye can't be used in this place..."

[Hey~ darling, did you miss me? I'm almost suffocating, Little Pitiful's suppression of intent is too strong, and I'll disappear again in a little while, so you better observe more things now. Now, let the countdown begin.]

Ah, this...

Just when Bai Wu was thinking about using Prayle's Eye, this strange note actually appeared.

But it seemed that Prayle's Eye could only last for thirty seconds.

Without hesitation, Bai Wu concentrated his attention on the center of the huge puzzle, gazing at the completely indescribable Evil Fallen Hong Yin.

[Level 9 Evil Fallen, Mutation Entry: spiritual power*12. Rare Mutation Entry: Grudge Barrier; Grudge Manifestation. Perfect Mutation Entry: Super Grudge Manifestation.

Congratulations on seeing the true form of Little Pitiful, I can't explain to you what the concept of a Level 9 Evil Fallen is, especially since you're already within her attack range, but I can give you three pieces of advice: grovel, grovel, or grovel; don't think about winning against her, she, like Little Dwarf, is a specialist; Weaknesses? That's not appropriate, I'm just a powerless little note.]

The effect of Prayle's Eye faded, and the dialogue box in front of his eyes was also instantly erased.

Bai Wu guessed that it was his own willpower that had forcibly activated Prayle's Eye once.

But within Hong Yin's barrier, it was ultimately suppressed.



Outside the tower, on the third floor of the Third Building at the Ninth Psychiatric Hospital.

Wu Jiu and the others saw that Bai Wu had been in a trance-like state for quite a long time.

"How long has it been... What's the matter with this kid? Why is there still no reaction?" Lin Wurou was getting a little restless.

It wasn't just Lin Wurou, including Yin Shuang, all the team members felt a vague sense of irritability.

Wu Jiu checked the time and said:

"You'd better adjust your emotions, we're one minute away from four hours since we left the tower."

Everyone was startled, then they all began to adjust their conditions.

Outside the tower, every four hours, some strange negative attributes would be added because the world was repelling humanity.

The brief minute passed quickly.

Yin Shuang felt as if her legs were filled with lead. She lifted her feet a few times, trying to adapt in the shortest time possible. [Obstacle Entry Outside the Tower: Sluggishness.]

Wang Shi, on the other hand, felt his arms were powerless, and he had some difficulty exerting strength. [Obstacle Entry Outside the Tower: Reduced Attack Power.]

Lin Wurou's case was more serious, resembling those players who would log into their melancholic music accounts when feeling down, with the tragic experiences of his childhood surfacing incessantly, a wave of sadness gradually rising in his heart. [Obstacle Entry Outside the Tower: Negative Thinking.]

The most pitiful, Shang Xiaoyi, found that all the sights in his eyes had vanished, unable to see anything. [Obstacle Entry Outside the Tower: Blindness.]

Wu Jiu frowned; sorrow and blindness usually only appeared on the third or even the fourth day...

However, considering Lin Wurou and Shang Xiaoyi's exceptionally bad luck, Wu Jiu felt somewhat relieved.

"You two, head back to the High Tower first. You are burdens right now," Wu Jiu said calmly.

The Obstacle Entry he was affected by was called Evil Fervor, enhancing the attack speed of nearby Evil Fallen.

For Wu Jiu, this was not much of an issue since he could easily handle it himself.

But as their abilities waned while the enemy's grew stronger, it was hard to say whether the team members could withstand the assault of the Evil Fallen.

Especially with one losing their wits and another losing their sight.

"Born as a human, I am sorry, captain... I never thought I, a veteran, would leave the stage earlier than a new member—maybe I'm really not cut out for this, the immense gap between people, like cold tidal waves drowning me..."

Lin Wurou was very upset. After ridiculing Bai Wu, the new member, for so long, to be the first to exit the field—coupled with the influence of negative thinking—made him even more distraught.

"Get back quickly."

Wu Jiu interrupted Lin Wurou, who was moaning in his negativity, and immediately activated Lin Wurou's Return Roulette.

"Then... captain, take care. Lin and I will head back first," Shang Xiaoyi said, fumbling in the dark.

Wu Jiu nodded, then realizing Shang Xiaoyi couldn't see, said:

"Head back first."

A minute later, Shang Xiaoyi and Lin Wurou were taken away by the Return Roulette.

This was commonplace; no team could ensure that all its members who went out together could also return together at the same time.

All the veteran investigators who had gone out of the tower knew one thing: the Evil Fallen were only the mildest obstacle; the real hindrance was the world outside the tower itself.

This was also one of the challenges of survival outside the tower: even if stronger than before, poor luck might bring negative thinking in the fourth hour of the start, possibly leading to a team wipeout.

Now, only four members of Investigation Corps Team Seven, Group One remained.

Bai Wu was still unconscious.

Wang Shi was quite worried:

"We can still bear it, but what about Bai Wu? What Entry is he suffering from now?"

Yin Shuang also grew anxious; unexpectedly losing two main players wasn't what she had anticipated. There are many kinds of negative attributes, one particularly troublesome called Desire for Blood.

This negative attribute required the host to make a kill every six minutes.

Otherwise, they would continuously lose vitality.

If Bai Wu was under the effect of such a negative attribute as Desire for Blood, he certainly wouldn't survive. But the problem was that only Bai Wu himself could feel what the effect of the negative attribute was.

At this moment, Bai Wu's attention was entirely in his dreams.

When it rains, it pours.

All the files in the archives began to emit a black mist.

A formidable enemy was approaching, and Wu Jiu's expression grew solemn; his intuition told him that the enemy they faced this time might be unprecedentedly powerful.

He worried he might not be able to protect Bai Wu.

Bai Wu was also worried, fearing that if he didn't quickly conquer Little Pitiful, then his teammates would face disaster.