Chapter 23: The Captain's Favoritism

High Tower, bottom layer, east side.

The clerk responsible for keeping track of the Legion's entries and exits was a bit confused.

He clearly remembered that Group 1, Team 7 of the Investigation Corps, had left through the white stele four hours ago. So why had they returned through the blue stele?

Lin Wurou and Shang Xiaoyi were the first to return.

The two quickly realized that Bai Wu's words were not wrong; they had entered the blue area starting from the second building.

Managing to return after enduring four hours in the blue area, even by the standards of Group 1, Team 7 of the Investigation Corps, was no disgrace.

Lin Wurou's annoyance wasn't due to the short duration of their outing; he was just irritated that he had returned earlier than the new recruit.

Shang Xiaoyi's Blindness and Lin Wurou's depression were both dispelled the moment they returned to High Tower.