Chapter 32: Replica No.2 Bizarre Jungle

Outside the tower.

In a huge tree hollow somewhere in the unknown jungle, three people were as pale as death, struggling to regulate their breathing.

"Everyone just fucking calm down as much as you can, don't think about what happened earlier. Deep breaths, yes, take a few deep breaths!"

The middle-aged man with a scar on his left cheek and a rugged beard murmured cautiously.

"Cap… Captain… I… I'm scared. Are we going to die here… Both Third Brother and Mazi…"

The stuttering speaker was a teenager about eighteen or nineteen years old, the youngest of the three, whose temperament was similar to Shang Xiaoyi's, but he wasn't pretend-cowardly, he was truly cowardly.

The events that had transpired earlier forced him to be afraid.

"If you don't settle down right now, I'll throw you out of this tree hollow, and that monster will come smelling your scent! Number Two and Number Three are dead, do you want to die too?"