Chapter 24: Origin of the Beauty Mark

In the still water, there was no sign of life —— a reverse shadow.

Wang Shili followed up with a cold realization in an instant, turning to look towards the dense forest.

The wristwatch reading shot up to ninety in a flash. The evil spirit within the mirror had made the forest unnervingly quiet, especially considering it was initially in the purple lavender manor.

"Fuck me! What the hell did I run into again! Get the fuck out of here, motherfucker!"

Suddenly stopping, he looked at the inverted image in the Crystal Labyrinthine's pale blue waters, which had become an impenetrable white mist, turning into an extremely complex structure right away.

The power of the Crystal Waters had already become a part of the scene, and it was hard to break down after being irradiated by the moonlight. Significantly malformed, the legend says it grew indefinitely without restrictions.