Chapter 48: Mystery of the Mountain Village

The pages continued to turn amidst the white fog.

"This thing ought to be some kind of fallen evil creature from a time before the tower era, a time when there were no demons in this world... but it doesn't seem to be of that time,"

Clearly, the entire family had never seen this creature before, yet everyone knew it came from the lake. It was strange indeed, with dense hair growing all over its black skin.

Many things inside the village related to the sightings of some evil creature had continuously emerged in the white fog pages.

Each segment of the content was not very long, only consisting of a small piece.

"Only by killing that unclean thing can we prevent the spread of death, we must fight back. The death toll is increasing, more and more every day. The entire village is beginning to be shrouded in the smell of paper ash... People are seeing it more and more. Burying the dead, cursing the land,"