Chapter 229: The End of Distortion

Every thing has two sides, even those that in philosophical or mathematical terms are considered to have only one side... can seem incomplete due to human perception.

Alpha is that inerasable other side.

Heart of the World and Rule Binding, Bai Wu was still unclear where they were stronger than Immortal, but now he had figured out some things.

In fact, the entire distortion... was a "sickness" of the World Will.

The Well is what was left after the sickness.

Everything in this world can be controlled by rules. There are objective laws, which is why in Bai Wu's past life... someone could be hit by an apple and still comprehend the beauty and rigor of physics.

The entire history of human development is a process of gradually overcoming "subjectivity" to follow the objective.

But not human hearts, not emotions.

That is a realm even gods cannot measure, since ancient times, human hearts have been exempt from any rule control.