Chapter 116 The trade is underway

Yang Jian handed the choice over to Wang Xiaoming.

Since Professor Bruce Pi is so wise and selfless, he surely knew what had to be done.

If he killed Wu Yue, Yang Jian would be convinced that the tampering with the archives was done for the greater good, without any personal selfish desire involved. In such a case, he could begrudgingly forgive.

If not.

It would just be empty words meant to appease others, and Yang Jian would not hesitate to use the power of the vengeful spirits to personally take care of Wang Xiaoming.

Now, with the gun in Wang Xiaoming's hands, what would he do?

Yang Jian was looking forward to it.

At this moment.

Zhao Jianguo remained silent, and the special forces team leader, Li Jun, did not speak either.

They knew.

It was a trade.

Life of an ordinary man for that of a ghost tamer.

Wang Xiaoming looked at the gun in front of him and then at Wu Yue next to him.