After his attempt, Yang Jian's plan to resolve the curse of the eight-tone music box with the help of the Ghost Cabinet fell through.
Of his three alternative plans, he was now left with only one: to trust Wang Xiaoming to find a way to solve the curse. Although this was something that headquarters had already agreed to, Yang Jian had never felt completely at ease with Wang Xiaoming.
"If I must try Wang Xiaoming's plan, then I have to let the Ghost Cabinet devise a way to deal with the traps in the plan," Yang Jian thought to himself.
With the help of the Ghost Cabinet to foresee dangers and then avoid them rationally was currently the most feasible method.
He thought hard for quite a while.
Yang Jian then realized that this seemingly simple problem was actually very difficult, having already wasted several sheets of paper.
For example: Help me deal with the traps in Wang Xiaoming's plan.