Wang Xiaoming was not one who liked to employ conspiracies and trickery; he always laid out a rational and reasonable plan before you, giving you a choice.
The catch was that there was no wiggle room in this choice, because you couldn't find a better alternative than his plan, and in the end, you were forced to agree, even if you killed him now, you would still choose his plan.
So, this was an open strategy.
He had now made the consequences of the experiment's failure and success very clear.
Only one of Yang Jian and Guo Fan could survive, and whoever lived would possess the current body of Yang Jian, becoming an exceptional ghost master in control of three ghosts.
"Is this all you've thought of? You had this plan in mind from the outset, which is why you agreed so readily. To you, no matter what, you don't stand to lose. On the contrary, it's me. I, who had the possibility to choose, am now forced to gamble with you, reluctantly accepting this outcome."