Wang Xiaoming had never dealt with human skin parchment before; he had only borrowed it for half an hour and obtained a lot of information. He didn't believe the content of the information, but Wei Jing's existence proved that the information on the parchment was real.
It was somewhat credible.
It was precisely because of this that Wang Xiaoming came up with the plan involving the Ghost Coffin and the ancestral tablet to solve the curse of the Eight-Tone Music Box inside Yang Jian's body. As for the trap, he hadn't guarded against it, thinking that in the end, either Guo Fan or Yang Jian would survive, so he wasn't worried about accidentally killing someone.
But why would Guo Fan become a ghost?
There was no reason at all.
Wang Xiaoming stood still, thinking, analyzing, gathering all the clues together, and then stringing them into a logical line.