Chapter 59: The Hegemon of the Second Ring

The Magotan drove smoothly on the highway.

Ward Owen, as the young master of the Whale Group, exuded the quality of a nouveau riche in his every action, yet, curiously, his chauffeur drove very steadily.

He neither ran red lights nor pressed on yellow lights, nor did he honk incessantly when being overtaken.

This middle-aged driver appeared as calm and composed as his own shadow.

Today, Harrison Clark had recited six songs in a row and played a round of drums, feeling somewhat fatigued. Combined with the fact that he couldn't think of any common topics between him and Ward Owen, he simply closed his eyes to rest in the car.

Ward didn't find this rude in the slightest, and instead thought it was only natural.

In Ward's understanding, creating was an extremely brain-draining task.

How many brain cells would it burn to write six classics in a day? He simply couldn't imagine.

"Mr. Louie, drive a bit faster while maintaining a smooth ride," Ward whispered.