Chapter 62: History Has Changed_1

Harrison Clark was actually a bit confused about this upcoming dream.

By his own intentions, of course, he would continue to shamelessly plagiarize songs and this time, he even planned to copy at least ten more.

But what troubled him was, besides plagiarizing songs, what else could he do?

In his mind, the instructor Daniel Thompson's square face would always appear over and over again.

Of course, it wasn't because he was gay, but because the last time he left the military camp with cold blood in the face of Daniel Thompson's reluctance and eager expectation, he felt a little embarrassed.

Last time, he forced himself to retire with an insignificant reason, which made many fellow soldiers worried about him and asked if something happened to his family.

Harrison Clark wasn't the type of person who liked to owe others, whether it was in terms of money or emotions.

He felt that he had let down Daniel Thompson and his comrades' expectations, and there was always a void in his heart.