Chapter 86: It Can Only Be You_1

Three seconds later, Daniel Thompson jumped out of his Azure Dragon Armor and hid back in the array inside the research institute, while Harrison Clark almost simultaneously jumped into Daniel's Azure Dragon Armor.

Although this would render Daniel powerless, it was obviously the best choice under the current circumstances.

"Why? Why is this happening?"

An incredible thing happened.

Needham Brown was clearly down, but his voice still came from the smoking, modified armor.

Harrison Clark was immediately on guard, urging the Azure Dragon Armor to adapt to his body as quickly as possible while being prepared for battle. He tried to stall for time, saying, "I don't understand what you mean."

He was indeed baffled- the man's body had been shattered, yet he wasn't dead?

"I'm not satisfied. You brainwashed soldiers have no faith and are merely pathetic tools, yet why did I lose to you?"

Needham Brown continued to mumble.