Chapter 90: Interesting Captains_2

Harrison Clark complained.

At the same time, he thought to himself that if this woman wanted to play chess with him again, he would immediately block her, at least mentally.

"Sorry, there has been an unexpected situation, and I need to discuss it with you."

Harrison Clark suddenly got nervous and stood up quickly, "Is there an emergency mission at the base?"

Nora Camp shook her head, "No, it's both official business and a private matter."

After she finished speaking, a spherical object was projected into Harrison Clark's living room.

"What is this?" Harrison Clark looked at it with a frown and asked.

Nora Camp said, "It's the offspring of our combined genes."

Harrison Clark suddenly realized, "Oh."

It turned out to be a fertilized ovum embryo enlarged countless times. When he looked at the sphere again, he suddenly felt that his emotions became very complicated.