Chapter 91: The Moment of Destiny Approaches_1

"How about it? Are you satisfied with your new equipment?"

Martha Owen combed her silver hair back and put on a proud face.

Harrison Clark was looking at the Azure Dragon Armor - modified equipment manual, nodding slightly, "Not bad."

"Just not bad?"

Harrison Clark smiled, "It's good."

"Good? Are you trying to kill me? Do you know to what extent I've raised the maximum acceleration limit on this modified version!"

Martha Owen put her hands on her hips, furious.

Harrison Clark pointed to the data, "It says 50G here."

"And you still say it's just good? I've improved the traditional Azure Dragon Armor's 20G by one and a half times! And even if you use the maximum acceleration and damage the machine, it can repair itself! I've even used up all the iridium isotopes in the escape party inventory for this modification and its spare parts! At the current technology level, this is almost a non-renewable resource, do you understand!"