Chapter 97: Feudal Superstitions Are Not Advisable_3

Furthermore, while trying to elevate Ward Owen, he must not let himself suffer any losses. So, he needs to continue accumulating funds, so when the time comes, the copyright of all the songs Ward Owen sings must be in his own company.

So the best approach is for him to register a company and expand its business scope as much as possible. Then, let Ward Owen become a shareholder, neither big nor small, and let Ward's father invest in the company and arrange for others to work for it.

Harrison Clark would provide the irreplaceable resources, while Owen's follower would provide the duplicable resources that Harrison was lacking. That would be a perfect collaboration strategy.

After sending Ward Owen away, Harrison Clark felt relieved and continued writing songs happily.

It wasn't long before his phone rang again, and seeing the name on the caller ID, his pen-holding fingers trembled slightly.

"What's the matter? Why are you not sleeping at this late hour?"