Chapter 101: No More Opportunities_1

After a busy time, the ribbon-cutting ceremony comes to an end, followed by a lively banquet.

Chris Owen and the provincial and municipal leaders didn't participate, as they left after the ribbon-cutting. The remaining people were from the entertainment industry or various fields of culture and entertainment.

There were newly debuted artists, many heads of talent agencies, some middle and high-level leaders of online live streaming platforms, as well as TV station and major entertainment resource promotion company heads.

During the banquet, these people took the opportunity to greet Harrison Clark.

Harrison Clark didn't deliberately act pretentious and warmly welcomed everyone.

Nowadays, his memory is strong, so even with a short conversation and a glance at the exchanged business cards, he can remember people.

Harrison Clark accepted the apology of the newly appointed director of Spotify Top's copyright department and reopened space for cooperation with Spotify Top.