Chapter 107: Explosive Start_1

Harrison Clark's attention returned to Daniel Thompson, "Lion, you actually held your temper for a whole five minutes this time?"

Daniel Thompson glared, "You..."

Not waiting for him to respond, Harrison already turned to run to the side, "Running laps, got it. Piece of cake."

Pouring fuel on the fire, Thompson roared, "Initially, you only had to run ten laps, now you have to run twenty! You'll have to finish them in twenty minutes or else you're done for."

Harrison lightly raised an eyebrow, "Oh, twenty minutes? Is the standards this high now? We have so many strong people! Has the blood clotting serum become common now? Do they take it every day? How long can it last?"

Thompson looked at him with the eyes of someone viewing a fool, "What in the world are you babbling about. What's wrong with you today? Got a screw loose? Blood clotting serum has been obsolete for a hundred years, ok?"

Harrison laughed again.