Chapter 110: Starting from Preschool Education Materials_3

This lesson covered the basic knowledge of physics, astronomy, chemistry, and mathematics, all of which were based on the children's education system left by Sergey 500 years ago.

Harrison Clark began to wonder if he could extract the fundamental theories within, and bring them back to revolutionize his own era.

But soon he realized that this was not feasible.

The radical upheaval of the knowledge system and the vast time span made it impossible.

How to describe this feeling?

For example,

If a modern person went back to the Tang Dynasty and told the engineers that there were eight major planets in the Solar System and the Earth was 150 million kilometers away from the Sun,

Would people understand? Would they believe it?

Even if they did, could it help the people of the Tang Dynasty grow a single grain of rice?


Or if a modern person went to Newton and told him that light had wave-particle duality and electron uncertainty, would Newton burn him at the stake?