Chapter 126: Crisis Lurking and Hidden Moves_3

As long as these people are not given enough time for rational thinking and are forced to make emotional judgment, I have a chance of winning!

I hope more people will believe me.

There's not much I can do, but wait and see the changes.

The moment Harrison Clark returned to his Hornet Ship, the opposing flagship medium-sized battlecruiser swung its gun barrel toward the remaining battlecruisers.

Needham Brown even leaped out wearing his Summit armor, pouncing on a nearby battleship.

He shouted, "Harrison, I'll cover you guys! Get out of here!"

Following him were Daniel Thompson, Marthus, and many other new teammates.

Everyone had put on their Summit armor and launched a surprise attack on the originally defenseless battlecruisers at close range.

In an instant, chaos reigned, and the scene became a battlefield.

Daniel Thompson said, "Harrison, you guys go. Oliver Yeoman has been subdued. We've taken control of this battlecruiser, with Dr. Owen and Scott operating it now."