Chapter 141: A Completely Different State of Mind_2

Upon arriving at Mason Academy, a tutor named Ms. Layna was waiting for the two.

Harrison helped Carrie settle in her room, which was a nice single dormitory.

As for Harrison himself, he planned to book a suite in the hotel across the street.

Layna was quite surprised at the arrival of Carrie's boss, Harrison.

It was rare for an artist to come for training accompanied by their boss personally.

Upon hearing that this boss was also an amazing music producer, Layna became even more astonished.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Tomorrow, there will be a party hosted by the Grammy judges in Beverly Hills. I have an invitation for Ms. Thomas, the creator of Self-Combustion, to attend. However, I also have a private invitation for a male companion to accompany me. Mr. Clark, would you be available?"

Harrison considered it for three seconds and nodded, "Sure."

He agreed, leaving Carrie beside him, who wanted to say something but hesitated.