Chapter 153: Collapse - The Sorrow of Academic Dregs_1

Martha Owen clearly could not understand the sorrow in his heart.

Her teaching style did not show any tenderness towards those who struggled academically, just cruel like a violent storm.

Next, she fired over a dozen questions like a machine gun at Harrison Clark.

The results were unsurprising; he knew nothing about any of them.

After a while, Martha Owen stared at him and slowly said, "Well, I really don't know how you passed the volunteer soldier screening. According to the rules, I should give you a failing grade and let you go back to elementary school."

Harrison Clark thought to himself.

You really overestimate me.

At this rate, even elementary school teachers would send me to prenatal classes.

"However, there is only one year left before the war, and I'm afraid we don't have time to wait for your brain to grow up. Since your combat potential is considered acceptable, I'll not only let you off the hook but also save you out of mercy."