Chapter 153: Defeat - The Sorrow of a Poor Student_3

Before, Harrison Clark was happy with the overall evolution of humanity because it could reduce the pressure on him personally.

But now he realized that making himself mediocre was a double-edged sword.

In terms of physical ability, he had no advantage.

After the regular training ended, he went unwillingly to ask Daniel Thompson about individual equipment, hoping to turn the tables.

According to Daniel Thompson, the characteristics of the new equipment, as well as the mastery of the Morrowind Individual Combat System, he had no advantage either.

Compared with the old individual soldier armor eliminated 300 years ago, the Azure Dragon Armor eliminated 200 years ago, and the Summit Armor eliminated 100 years ago, the Morrowind Individual Combat System is entirely different in principle.

It uses high-energy molecular compression technology for easy carrying, usually the size of a bank card, and can be attached to the waist as a belt buckle.