Chapter 164: Holding Someone Accountable_1

Time is running out for humanity, so the mission and responsibility of elementary school students are not to be taken lightly.

Starting more than a decade ago, after passing their graduation exams, elementary school students would enter different jobs according to their personal interests and overall ability assessment. They would then work and study at the same time, striving to make more contributions before the final battle day.

Everyone is pressed for time, so Harrison Clark is honored to be the only student over twenty years old.

Fortunately, the virtual examination room is a separate room for each person, so he doesn't have to sit in a large examination room with an awkward crane standing in a flock, enduring the strange looks of others.

Unlike the 21st century, the difficulty of the entrance exam in this era is terrifying, much more challenging than college entrance exams in the past.

A total of eight subjects, with each subject testing lasting for four hours.