Chapter 171: What on Earth Do You Want to Do_1

As a seasoned traveler who could set off at a moment's notice, Harrison Clark slipped away quietly before dawn after bidding farewell to Nora Camp.

By the morning, since Needham Brown couldn't find him, he went to block Daniel Thompson's door.

Feeling a sense of loss about his beloved apprentice, the moody Lion said, "I know where he went, but I don't want to tell you."

"You must tell me!" Needham Brown stood in the way with his hands on his hips, not letting him pass. "As a lieutenant colonel, I order you, Captain Daniel Thompson."

Daniel Thompson was shivering with anger.

He was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

As a captain, he had to bow down to someone else's colonel.

Although they belonged to different systems and Needham Brown was not his direct superior, Daniel Thompson could refuse his orders during wartime. However, since they were in a state of daily training, Needham Brown had certain authority.