Chapter 178: Countdown - Two Months_1

Human beings are an extremely complex form of life.

Even by the 31st century, human technology has advanced to such a high level, that it can break the laws of mass and energy conservation on some levels and create epoch-making equipment like the Dyson membrane based on biological principles.

Yet, even if you add together the complexity of all human-made objects in the world, they still fall short compared to the human body.

While humans can now use technology to perfectly create new bodies, they remain almost ignorant about another aspect – the brain and the thoughts and souls that are "loaded" within it.

Human research on brainwaves and thought may seem profound thus far, but perhaps it is only scratching the surface.

It's like ancient people knowing that sunlight makes them warm or that ice, ground into a convex lens, can focus sunlight to ignite things.

But ancient people didn't know why the sun existed or why sunlight generated heat.