Chapter 182: Silent Sacrifices_1

Beep beep beep...

Beep beep beep beep beep beep...

Perhaps because he had ignored the communication request in his personal information system for too long, the person on the other end had lost patience completely.

The other party started to frantically "knock on the door," as if they wanted to barge in headfirst.

The only one who would dare to bang on his door like this wasn't anyone else but Martha Owen.


As expected.

"Harrison Clark! You bastard! How could you do this! Scum! Degenerate! Deserter! Do you deserve our trust?"

In the video, Martha Owen just popped out her head and started to rant furiously.

If it was before, Harrison would definitely argue with her, even block her.

But this time, Harrison showed great tolerance.

It was because Martha Owen in the hologram looked like she was in a terrible state.

At this moment, she had a full head of silver hair, and even her hair density looked sparse, as if she was a senior programmer aged by years.