Chapter 198: Earth-shattering (Thanks to Lord Wumeow for the reward!) _1

Time slowly passed day by day as Harrison Clark waited.

He was waiting for many things.

The company's music library needed to be unloaded, which required waiting.

Lucy Haywood and Ward Owen's new album learning and recording also needed some waiting time.

This time, Harrison had assigned them a large task, forcing them to put in a hundred percent effort and to be in their best form to keep up with the rhythm.

As a leader, it was inevitable that he would bring tremendous pressure to his followers.

Just like Lucy and Ward, who had to enjoy the convenience that Harrison brought, they naturally had to shoulder the corresponding responsibilities without complaining about their own hardships.

Of course, they would not complain, because in their hearts, Harrison, the guide who walked ahead to clear the path of difficulties, must have been even more exhausted, and he did not complain.

Harrison was also waiting for someone.
