Chapter 200: Making a Big News _2

Now, his Summit Ventures has further expanded to eight billion and is taking the initiative to discuss cooperation. What's the meaning of this?

That's why Chris Owen asked so meaningfully.

Harrison Clark nodded, "Yes, cooperation."

"Are you serious, Mr. Clark?"

"Of course."

Chris Owen calculated the funds that the Whale Group could use and the investment-type structured industries that would soon be cashed in and said, "It's not impossible, but as you just said, Mr. Clark. The entertainment industry's asset value has a lot of water, so if we really want to talk about it, we can't start with a price of eight billion. It's best to hire a third-party international accounting firm for a comprehensive calculation."

Harrison Clark lamented in his heart that the old fox really knows how to climb up the pole. What I want to discuss with you is not this.

You're cutting the price in the wrong place according to my words.

"Please listen to me, Mr. Owen..."