Chapter 213: Soldiers Go on Campaigns and Yet to Return, Leaving Only Their Unfulfilled Wishes to Await the Daybreak_1

Harrison Clark could never fathom radium's motives.

But regardless of the perspective, radium showed no mercy to humanity.

Since humans fled to other planets, radium had never stopped invading and chasing them.

On average, there were hundreds of small battles each year, and one or two large battles.

At least once every ten years, there would be a major battle, either initiated by humans or instigated by radium.

Human battleships were far behind in all aspects of performance compared to radium's war weapons.

If it weren't for the outstanding performance of the Hawk Armor, which broke the balance of power for single soldiers who were supposed to be cannon fodder in the Intergalactic War, the freedom of humankind might have already been obliterated under radium's iron hooves.

Even so, the Freedom Front still suffered heavy casualties, with billions of lives lost in each major battle despite the highly advanced medical conditions of today.