Chapter 216: Love Einstein Middei Tesla Da Vinci Langeiro Chen

By now, Harrison Clark has become adept at using history to solve problems, developing his own comprehensive methodology.

He went straight to early 21st-century England, Oxfordshire.

First, he focused on one of his two most important assets: Summit Ventures.

After bringing back over twenty classic songs, the company's music library was enriched with over forty songs, and many things changed again.

Divine Sword Melodies was given to Carrie Thomas to develop the album "Octaves."

"Across the Starry Sky" was given to Avril Green.

He also arranged six songs on Lucy Haywood's second album and eight songs on the third album of a certain European artist.

After he "left," these backup plans he personally arranged were successively completed, transforming into the achievements and positions of his artists and Avril Green, as well as bringing fame to them, and even more so, bringing in a large amount of cash income for Summit Ventures.